
Thursday, January 11, 2018

Private Property

click on photo to enlarge

Spec . Botetourt County

I don't know about you but that bridge looks a little rickety!

Today I am thankful for a short visit from my older son Christian...I was just about running out the door as he was coming in...he stopped by to pick up some receipts so he could exchange some shirts I had gotten him for Christmas...I bought him large shirts but he's just a medium...I bumped him up to large because the boys are mediums in the world did they catch up to their big brother in size??? We chatted for about a half an hour, exchanged hugs and "I love yous" and then we were both out the door again...I just don't see enough of that boy but am thankful for the times that I do!

Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday


  1. That little bridge needs a NO Entry barrier! Some of the nicest things are unplanned and spur of the moment.

  2. I feel the same way about my girls...just never see enough of them.

  3. That bridge is neat looking but not safe! So fun to see our kids

  4. There is no way I would drive my car over that bridge. It's almost always nice to have the kids come by to visit for awhile. The key word there is "almost." :))

  5. Like the picture ! My son has family now and lives in Amsterdam, so we don't see each other very often either !

  6. Those little visits are GIFTS! ;) blessings ~ tanna

  7. That bridge looks like it needs to be crossed v e r y quickly!

  8. Hello, it is a joy to see our kids even if it is only for a little while. I would not cross that bridge, looks scary. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  9. Looks interesting.I will follow you to cross that bridge...not the first!
    Have a good day.

  10. Always nice to spend a few minutes catching up! I would not cross that bridge! Thanks for linking up!

  11. What a unique find! In my younger days I would probably try to cross it!

  12. LOL! I'm with you - it doesn't look very strong.

  13. It's lovely to be friends with your grown kids!! I can trip on a perfectly level sidewalk, so yeah, don't think I'd be trying that bridge.


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