
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Abandoned Farm

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These pictures were taken last month along Bethel Road in Fincastle...

Driving along Bethel Road we noticed this abandoned farm so we parked and got out to walk around...we had to cross a little bridge and there was a "No Trespassing" sign which made me nervous but there was nobody around and obviously nobody lives here...we weren't too intrusive, just took some pictures from a distance...this yellow bench seems like a strange fit with the falling down house...but I thought it was neat!

Not really sure what this structure is/ you have any ideas?

Anyone need to use the bathroom? ;)

A little barn?

Dalton & Kaile...that's the bridge we had to cross...

Linking up with Tom's Tuesday's Treasures

Have a great day :)


  1. Makes you wonder what stories lie between the walls of these buildings. Love the photos.

  2. It doesn't take long for nature to reclaim such places.

  3. How very interesting---and the yellow bench raises many questions. Sad though

  4. Oh, gosh! And the strangest thing is, the little bench looks almost new! Like it was recently bought to sit on and stare at the wrecked house!!

  5. ...the earth is reclaiming this treasure. I always wonder about the stories places like this could tell. Thanks Tanya for sharing

  6. Yah, I'd be a little nervous with that "No Trespassing" sign. I think the gives the owner the right to shoot trespassers. Well, according to the NRA. I also think the building you questioned is a carport of sorts of maybe a place to put machinery when it rains or snows. Fine photos of a most interesting place.

  7. Neat find, that's what I love about exploring, you never know what you'll find!

  8. Interesting old place & I love the idea of crossing the bridge into the wild kingdom of the farm! Cool!

  9. Great photos, Tanya! And, I love that last one! blessings ~ tanna

  10. I love old places like this. You know you have found an old one when the outhouse is still standing.

  11. How cool! I'm always curious about how long places like that have been around.

  12. My kind of roaming, excellent views and captures, thanks.


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