
Thursday, February 8, 2018

Icy Pine

click on photo to enlarge

Botetourt County...

...more from my icy backyard on Sunday...can we just move on to Spring now?

Today I'm thankful for good people taking chances on teens! Braden and Dalton just got jobs! They will be working at a local pizza place...the man that hired them had also hired Ashlyn for her first job when she turned 16! He always joked with me that he would hire the boys when they were old enough to work...I say "joked" because it seemed like a loooonnnngggg time away...sigh...anyways...I think it's pretty cool that they both will be working there! They are excited to start making their own money!

Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday


  1. Pretty photo!
    Kids do grow up so fast
    Have a great day!

  2. I cannot believe the boys are sixteen. I guess I have been reading your blog longer than I can remember and I can still see their little faces from long ago. My oldest grandson is 16 today and I can't hardly believe it either. Time sure does fly!

  3. Hello, congrats to your boys! They do grow up fast! We had a day of freezing rain and ice storm too. Have a happy day!

  4. This is wonderful!!! I bet they are just over the moon! Also, a pizza place is awesome to work at.

  5. Love the pic! And so glad your boys found jobs.

  6. That's great news. My boys worked at a little corner grocery store and that worked out so nice when they were teens! Well done to them!

  7. Congrats to your boys! Such a huge step toward adulthood! Thanks for linking up today!

  8. Unfortunately spring is more than a month away, and here even more than that.


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