
Saturday, March 28, 2020

Dogs on a Hike

Click on photos to enlarge

On Thursday Ashlyn went on a hike with my oldest son Christian and his girlfriend...she brought her dogs (my granddogs haha) along for the fun...the first picture is Riley and the second pic is Nelson whom she rescued last year...they are both good doggos!

So far here in Virginia we are still able to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. Social distancing is easy to do here with so many trails and wide open spaces...I hope that we are able to continue that...there is something about the sunshine that is good for the soul!

Linking with Eileen's Saturday's Critters

Have a great weekend and stay healthy!


  1. Hello,
    Riley and Nelson are beautiful dogs. I am sure they like going out for a walk. It is the same here, not many people are seen on the local trails. Take care and stay well! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

  2. ...enjoy your hikes, they are good for you!

  3. Two cuties there, I love rescue dogs. I agree, so good to get out in the sunshine and even more so at times like this. Hoping to go on a bit of a a hike myself tomorrow :) Stay safe.

  4. Joyful laughing dogs! Makes my day.

  5. How cute! It really does feel good to get out and walk. We saw one other person on our hike today and he had 2 dogs out for a walk. Stay safe!

  6. Always good to be able to get out of the house and go from a walk. The dogs obviously love these walks. So glad they could pose for you.

  7. Hello. Cute dogs. Take care of yourself.

  8. "granddogs" - that is cute! :-)
    Yes, we still could go outside, too.

  9. Cute dogs indeed. We are staying in but can go for a walk of 2km of our house. They say it's going to get worse in the next 2 weeks so they are telling people to stay in unless grocery shopping.

  10. You're lucky, we are on a 4 week lockdown here and everyone is meant to be in self isolation, but we can still get outside in our backyards though.

  11. they are adorable!! Nothing better than a nice long walk in the fresh air........WITH DOGS!! Great way to spend the time. The bigger spaces for us to walk and still stay far away from people here in charleston are dwindling.........

  12. look at those faces ... so cute!! big big hugs ... social distancing hugs of course. hope u and your whole family are well. thank you for the visit!! take care. ( ;


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