
Monday, July 12, 2021

Monday Murals - Unknown in Roanoke


202 Williamson Rd SE . Roanoke

This is right by the Firestone building and I cannot find one single thing about this mural…ugh!!! You know how much that drives me crazy…how can this great mural go basically unnoticed on the internet??!!  To me it looks like a farmer standing in the rain…wonder what he’s thinking? “When will this rain end” or “Thank goodness we’re finally getting some rain”…haha this is why I need info on it! Anyways, I’m linking up with Monday Murals

Have a great day 🙂


  1. He's looking out for something, I'm surprised there is not something about it because someone took a lot of time on it

  2. ...that's mighty big mural to have no info on the net!

  3. What a great mural too bad there's no info. I hate that too.

  4. What a great mural. That guy has character. The artist is talented.

  5. building size art - always amazes me . . . I struggle with a tiny sketch. 🙂

  6. It's a beautiful mural Tanya, what a pity there is no info about it on the net. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  7. Oh my gosh that is fabulous Tanya, what a huge endeavour it is. I know exactly what you mean, drives me nuts when artists make it difficult to identify them ✨

  8. You found a real gem Tanya. It's sad there is no info on it. It is beautifully done.

  9. It is a mystery for sure! We have a similar huge mural here, with no info anywhere.


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