
Thursday, February 26, 2009

SkyWatch Friday

It feels so much like spring today! It's currently about 70 degrees (about 21 Celsius). I was just walking around the yard taking in all the spring sounds and the warm sunshine!
I rescued this little bird house last week and hung it on the tree. This morning I noticed a cute little bird couple checking it out, wonder if they have moved in?

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  1. Oh! This could turn out to be very exciting... baby birds in the yard!! Keep an eye out and let us know.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  2. I am so incredibly jealous! Not only is it beautiful's Friday already. ;)

  3. You know Di, every spring in Georgia I'd buy new hanging ferns for my front porch. And every year, a little bird family would move in and lay eggs, in the exact same spot, I'd always have one beautiful fern and one dying fern because I couldn't water it! But I have to admit, I enjoy seeing them around :)

    LOL Stacy! TGIF :D

  4. Happy sky watch! I love the rays of sunlight, lighting up their new home :)

  5. Ooh - I just got a bird feeder for Valentine's day . . . thinking about a few birdhouses too for outside my window. Lovely shot.

  6. Wonderful story.
    Soon it will be March! :)))

  7. So it's actually spring where you live! Wonderful! Happy SWF

  8. I have a bird house just like that one hanging on an oak tree in my backyard Tanya! I've always had a seed feeder and this year I've added a mealworm feeder and the birds are going crazy over it. I can't keep it full. They actually watch me fill it up and as soon as I go back in the house they gobble up the mealworms. My grandson loves it! I'm hoping for some baby birds in the birdhouse soon.

  9. What a gorgeous photo and a wonderful time to go out and enjoy the day.

  10. One winter we waited too long to take down our holiday wreath and a nest appeared in the curve of the wreath beside our front door. We actually stopped using the front door until the nestlings fledged.

  11. Would you mind sending me some of your heat and optimism. Woke up this morning to snow. Weird for my neck of the woods.

  12. I've never had any residents move into a bird house I've put up. How fun for you.

  13. Spring now please. I hope you get a shot of the little ones. Love the light in this.

  14. That is just the cutest birdhouse — it looks like it's part of the tree! Hope the couple moved in. Love how you caught the rays of light! Happy Sky Watching!

  15. Great rays of light in your shot.

  16. We have had spring weather also, in the 80s, its suppose to end this weekend. Did the bird family move in?

  17. It sounds lovely and warm there. I love gardening with the sun on my back.

    Hope your bird couple decides to move in then you can post some cute baby bird photos. You'll have the perfect vantage point.

  18. I hope they move in to your bird house. I thoroughly enjoyed this post for SkyWatch is very nice.

    Pat and Abe

  19. It looks very isolated

  20. You are so blessed to have so much property! I hope the new couple moved in-keep us posted!

  21. well spring isn't quite so far advanced here but it is round the corner.

  22. Wow, fortunately you have averted a bird-couple housing crisis in your yard - may the rest of the country fare as well! :)

    Happy Friday,
    Tink *~*~*
    Now Playing at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* : Sanibel Island, pre-Charlie

  23. I love the suns rays! What a cute birdhouse. Keep us updated on your new feathered neighbors!

  24. wow, you just put up a house and birds will show up? You country folk know how to do it!

  25. Isn't it cool? Hope those little birds will be the 1st guests to your 'rescued manor'! :-)

  26. Well, the party's over. It appears we're getting snow tonight.

    I love your fern story. Imagine driving past someone's house and seeing this dead fern all the time and wondering why she doesn't take that one down, what's going on? And you don't know this sweet, incredible story is happening, that someone cares more about some birds than making her porch look nice. Who would know? I feel a short story brewing...


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