
Wednesday, April 29, 2009


The babies have hatched! Look, there's 8 of them! Aren't they just adorable :)

And my extended family has found their own home and have moved. Today is my official first day of having the house to myself again. Now so much to do to get organized and back into my routine....but this is nice!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Reason For My Absence

A couple of weeks ago I went to the Lynchburg Airport (pictured above) to pick up my mom, niece and her baby. They are moving out here and my brother followed a few days later in the moving truck. They have been in search of a house but in the meantime they are staying with us. I'm sure you can all imagine the stress of having a whole other family living with you. I have not had one free moment to myself and I'm not even exaggerating....hoping they find a house of their own soon before I lose my sanity.

I've missed visiting all your blogs and look forward to chatting again SOON, as soon as my life returns to normal!

Take care! Hopefully they'll be settled in somewhere else within the week!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Blue Ridge

Another view from Braden and Dalton's school with a little bit of those gorgeous Blue Ridge Mountains in the distance.

How was your Easter? The weather her was awesome and the Easter Bunny paid a visit! He brought sports bottles for the boys filled with packets of powdered Gatorade and Hawaiian Punch (perfect for Baseball season, smart bunny!)...oh and he did leave some chocolates too ;)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I saw this cute little birdhouse hanging in a tree at Braden and Dalton's school while we were there for practice yesterday.

I want to wish you and your family a very HAPPY EASTER!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

View From School

Today we spent a few hours at baseball practice. Practice is held at the fields at Braden and Dalton's school. The views are beautiful!

Friday, April 10, 2009

SkyWatch Friday

I took this picture this morning, looking up through the pear tree into the greying sky. We were supposed to be getting severe thunderstorms today but I wonder if they sizzled out. It sprinkled ealier and now the skies look blue with some clouds and it's warm out. I guess the weather will do what it wants to do. We have baseball practice tonight so I'm hoping we don't get rained on!
Oh, that snake was back out this afternoon, same spot on the log.
And today starts Spring Break for us, yay!

For a look at skies from all over the world, visit

Happy Good Friday :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

They've Woken

Look what we found this afternoon at the pond...yep a snake. I don't know what kind it is, hopefully it's one of those harmless kind. Now I'm worried about my mama goose and her eggs, although she's down at the other end so hopefully the two will never meet!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

She's Expecting

Remember the 2 geese who came to stay over the winter? Well they are still here and the female goose just made herself a nest and has laid 6 eggs. Nick walked around to the side of the pond she is on and he could see from there. I was reading up on the gestation period for geese and it's 23-30 days so in a couple of weeks, hopefully if all goes well, we'll have babies!

When Nick walked over to that side of the pond, it's an area we don't use, he actually sank in mud up to his waist and was getting pulled in deeper. When I was telling my neighbor about it, she said that legend has it that a team of work horses sank in that mud and they never got them out. I wonder how many of these "legends" she knows?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cherry Tree

Someone did a number on this poor little tree when they trimmed it. There's not much left to it but I am so happy to see it blooming!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Pear Tree

This is one of two pear trees on our property. When we moved in over the summer, they were full of pears. They are very sweet and Bucky loves them but I'll have to see what we can do with all those pears this year. I hate for any to go to waste and both trees produce way more than we could ever consume!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

What Sundays Were Made For

Rest and relaxation...hope you are enjoying some on this fine Sunday :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Amazement Square

A glimpse at all the fun the kids had on our field trip Thursday to
Amazement Square in Lynchburg. I was responsible for 4 kids, which 2 were my own. Not an easy task in such a fun place. They could barely stay still long enough to see/interact at each display,lol. I was constantly on the go chasing them. Thank goodness I kept Christian home and brought him with us. It was, after all, educational and we'd never been before. He was very helpful in keeping our group from getting lost!

Have a great weekend :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

SkyWatch Friday

More grey skies for my skywatch photo this week. Yesterday I went to Lynchburg with Braden and Dalton's class to
Amazement Square. What a fun time we all had! This was taken outside, getting ready to board the bus to go home. Can you see my two little guys? Hint, they are wearing blue shirts,lol.

This morning, Christian's bus was involved in yet another accident. Can you believe it? He was just about to board the bus when all of a sudden, it lurched forward. A young girl slammed into the back of it. What gets me is that the bus puts her lights on way before she even stops, this should catch people's attention, yet it doesn't. None of the kids were hurt thank goodness, but my goodness people, slow down and pay attention. This also happens to fall on the 6 year anniversary of the death of a sweet little boy that rode my kids bus in Missouri. He was hit and killed while crossing the road to get on his school bus. The bus's stop arm was out, but the girl driving didn't even slow down when she ran right through it and hit him. My thoughts and prayers are with this family today, as always.

For more skywatch photos from all over the world, visit


Thursday, April 2, 2009


Well she did it! Ashlyn won her a spot as the Vice President of Membership with FCCLA this past weekend. That's my baby girl in the black dress. The other girls went with her but were competing in a different event. Since I wasn't there, I had to lift this photo off her Facebook,lol.

Today I am going on a field trip to Lynchburg with Braden and Dalton's class. We are going to the Children's Museum. Should be fun!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Theme Day-The Color Yellow

Here it is, the first of the month again so of course that can only mean one thing,
Theme Day with the City Daily Photo crew! A couple of weeks ago I was happily surprised to find out that the bushes below my dining room window were Forsythia! (for those that don't know, we only moved here in August so all these new blooms keep surprising me!).

It's also April Fools Day! What's the best prank you've pulled, or had someone pull on you?

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants