
Sunday, May 17, 2009

R.I.P. Sweet Daisy

Yesterday was a very sad day around our house. Our dogs, Daisy and Crockett got out and sadly Daisy was hit and killed by a car. (Daisy is the lab in the corner)

Braden and Dalton were leaving for their baseball game, a mom from our team came by to take them since I had to take Christian to get a physical for football. We noticed Crockett sitting on the front porch alone and I figured Daisy was nearby since she never leaves Crockett's side.

Christian and I were getting ready to go out and look for her when my phone rang and it was my neighbor asking me if we were looking for Daisy and I told her we were and asked if she was over there. She then told me that she had been hit out on the main road and was dead. I still can't believe it. She was such a sweet and good dog. My neighbor was a huge lifesaver to me, she went and picked Daisy up and wrapped her in a tarp for me so I wouldn't have to do it. Daisy is sitting in her barn, waiting for us to bury her today.

This has been so hard on the kids, Ashlyn especially as Daisy was her dog. Little Daisy was too young, almost 2. She will be greatly missed.


  1. My heart goes out to you and your children! I lost a little dog the same way some years ago. I'll never forget it.

    I guess the only thing to do is remember the joy she brought to you and move on...

    But it's so hard...

  2. Thanks so much Jacob...I know with time we'll be able to think of her without crying, but right now, it seems impossible! Phew, it is hard isn't it? :(

  3. Oh, I am so very sorry, Tanya. Give hugs to your children for me too. The delight that Daisy brought will be with you all always.

  4. You and your family have our condolences. My sons had a labrador retriever when growing up, and they are wonderful companions and family members.

  5. Oh, gosh Tanya.. sitting here crying for you and the kids and for Daisy. It's just so hard when this happens. Cried for days and days when our sweet Max died last summer. I truly feel what you are feeling. Soooo, sorry, honey... so sorry. Hugs to you and the kids...

    Your neighbor down the road.

  6. Oh no Tanya! I'm so sorry this happened. It's so hard to lose a pet anyway, but in such a traumatic way! I know you are going to miss her. Thank goodness for your neighbor.

  7. I am so sorry. I'll be thinking of you today. It's always very hard to lose a dog.

  8. so sad - it brings back memories of my dog that died in similar circumstances but it also makes me remember the great good times we had with him before then.

  9. Dear Tanya,

    I am so sad for you my dear. I know how it feels. Bless your heart - you are in my prayers.


  10. Our pets are such a part of the family. I am sorry Daisy is gone.

  11. I'm sorry to read about Daisy. Poor Crockett will be so alone now. I feel for you - my dog, Hannah, a rottweiler, is so precious to me.

  12. Oh, Tanya, I join the others in wrapping a supportive hug around you and your family as you deal with the sorrow of losing Daisy. When our sweet, funny Sasha (a lab mix) died, we sat around the kitchen table and told Sasha stories until we couldn't think of one more. It took us hours and hours and we laughed and cried and laughed and cried. She's been gone nearly six years and we still miss her but now when we talk about her we always smile, remember what joy she brought us. I know you and your family will get there too in time. Take care of each other.

  13. Oh my goodness everyone, thank you so much for all your kind words. I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes reading all your comments.

    We've buried Daisy and the kids made a cross and fixed her grave up nicely. We still can't believe she's gone, but we are getting by.

    I do feel so sad for Crockett. I know he misses her.

    Di, thank you so much for stopping by with the flowers. Your kindness was much appreciated and we've placed a bouquet on Daisy's grave and have one sitting here on the table. We will have to have you stop by under happier conditions soon...

    Thanks again everyone...

  14. Oh Tanya, such sad news. Losing a pet is like losing a member of the family. Thinking of you all, espeially the kids.

  15. This is so so sad. I can only add to others comments and to say take a little time out with the kids. She looked such a bonny dog and memories know one can take away.

  16. Sorry about Daisy. We hope and pray for her. But surely she is in the Dog's Heaven...

    Take care of Crockett, now he lost his best friend.

  17. Oh Tanya, I'm crying...I'm so sorry for your loss. Our pets really are members of our families, aren't they. I hope your kids are okay.
    I'm convinced that when we get to Heaven, all the pets we ever loved will be waiting for us!

  18. So very sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and yours.

  19. I'm so sorry about your lose. I, too, had a dog who died when we moved away. I totally understand how you feel.


  20. It's a sad news... For people living with dog or cat, he or she becomes a part of family.

  21. je comprends votre tristesse, et de tout cœur avec vous.

    I understand your sadness, and any heart with you.

  22. I am so sorry for you and the kids. It is so hard when something like this happens.

  23. That's a sad loss to the family Tanya. Great pictures and memories remain but just terrible. Sorry.

  24. I really like the composition! Gorgeous dogs!

  25. I am so very sorry. Our pets are like our babies. You are in my thoughts

  26. I just read this post about Daisy. I can't tell you how sorry I am for you all. I remember years ago one of our dogs meeting witht he same fate and it was a crushing blow. My heart goes out to all of you.

  27. I am only now catching up with your blog and I'm just shocked to read the news about your Daisy. My heart goes out to you and your children, Tanya. It is never easy to lose a beloved pet, and especially because of a tragic accident.

    My heartfelt sympathies.

  28. Oh Tanya, I am so sorry. Now I know why you were one of the maddest ones when I wrote about how I almost got killed by a driver when I was walking down the road on my horse. Now I am even madder! I am heartbroken for you because I know what it's like to love a dog and lose her. It's terribly hard. They are like family. You are not alone Tanya.


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