
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Barn Charm Tuesday

Another old barn from Catawba Valley. You can see more barns from all over the world by visiting Tricia @ Bluff Area Daily Photo, just click the barn below!


  1. Love driving through the Catawba area... I've probably photographed that same barn before.

  2. I love the looks of old barns, but wouldn't want to pay the upkeep.

  3. Looks like it could use a little TLC...also looks like it has been a well used barn in its day. I can't help but love the old weathered barns such as this.

  4. Nice picture Tanya! I would not want to go inside though.

  5. A fine old barn. I like the smaller hay mow opening and the wood textures that look so good. Fine shot.

  6. Very cool find, Tanya! It needs a lil TLC, but boy oh boy, would I love to explore inside!

    Thanks so much =)

  7. Bellissime!
    have a nice day Tanya

  8. Great! I just love these old barns. I'd even live in one. I'd enjoy the converting!

  9. This barn is for sure abandoned. But I could only imagine the huge log that is inside that we could reuse to build another house ^_^ I think it's the fad now to use old woods and some says it's expensive ^_^

    Barn Charm

  10. Tanya, just heard about the quake out there... are you & your family ok? Just checking in... be careful!!!

  11. That is a well used and weathered place...

  12. As you are aware there are many barns here in the midwest and I just love your barn photos. It is on my list to explore taking these types of photos. I am absorbing your style and techniques.

    Yes KC is known for it;s BBQ, Although different states consider theirs superior. It is fun and good stuff.

  13. A charming barn indeed. Hope it withstood the powerful shaking. Just checking in with hopes that you and yours are well. Our house trembled from the earthquake all the way up here in Vermont. I can only imagine what it must have been like for you.

  14. Beautiful! I love the weathered old boards.

  15. Love the weathered gray boards and this barn has seen better days.


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