
Monday, March 12, 2012

Creative Exchange Monday

This is from my favorite walking spot at Greenfield. The more I try to find the historic significance of this little house, the more confused I become. This is all part of the Preston Plantation and I "thought" this house was the Bowyer/Holladay house but I do believe that house was the big brick house that was demolished in the mid 1900's. I "think" this building may be the Dower kitchen...perhaps....still unclear. The thing that bothers me is this is such a wonderful place with these great old historic buildings still standing, the slave cabins, the original kitchen and then this structure...only 3 structures left, why can't whoever is in charge of the restoration efforts (which are supposedly happening) put a little more info out there about the buildings instead of keeping me guessing!

So anyway, I have concluded that this is an old kitchen, possibly belonging to the Bowyer/Holladay house....if anyone has more info, please feel free to fill me in!

Here are a couple of links for further reading:
Site Inventory

Efforts to construct a monument for Col. Preston

I am linking up with The Creative Exchange this week :)


  1. This shop turned out so well. I have lots of places here in the county I would like to know more about. It is 5:30, and I have gotta get my act in order. I think winter is over. Take care....genie

  2. Always like how you include some history with your posts, Tanya. Great shot. :)

  3. I had never heard of the creative exchange. I guess that's how far out of date I am. I have heard of kitchens being in separate buildings. Some of the great mansions, like the Biltmore House in North Carolina, have kitchens separate from the main house. I think because of the heat and danger of fire.

  4. The county is in charge of Greenfield and the buildings. I suggest you contact your supervisor and the county administration if you want more information and more preservation. It is not a high priority with them and won't be until more citizens tell them it should be.

  5. Sounds mysterious and confusing. You have captured a sense of mystery with your photo too.

  6. The link is neat, lots of history at that plantation. That place was big.

  7. Yes... from what I have gathered in my online sleuthing regarding Greenfield, this building in your photo is the kitchen that stood behind the Dower house. The Dower house was the 'brick' house and it was demolished around 1975. I'm going to e-mail you some old photos and info I found online. Your photo is wonderful by the way!

  8. Exciting selection of motivations. It arouses interest. Light game contributes to the image life and deep. I wish you a great week! Zinnia

  9. A really lovely shot. I like the old-timey look of it.

  10. Beautiful!
    I would love to explore this house :)

  11. I like your explanation and the mystery of what house this actually is. Fine shot of it too.

  12. I love the light in this photo. Greetings.

  13. Lovely light in the photo. Great work!
    Have a nice week.
    Greetings from Hilda

  14. It looks like an itneresting house, Tanya. I hope you get a chance to go inside one day and learn more about it.

  15. Great picture of this historic old building! It is fun to try to learn the history of an area but sometimes frustrating as well.

  16. Whatever it might be, it sure makes for a wonderful photograph Tanya!
    Love old buildings, and this is a beauty!

    Thank you so very much for being a part of The Creative Exchange.

    Have a wonderful evening, and I will surely still see you here!


  17. Terrific shot no matter if it's the right house or not.

  18. I like the composition and colors tones in this photo.

    Regards and best wishes

  19. Your information reminded me of a novel I recently read The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grishom. This photo is s just fabulous, well captured!

  20. This really, really makes me want to find out what's behind the door : ) I like the sword of sunlight in the photo.

  21. I think they keep you guessing because you are a good detective. I'm certainly not going to say you're wrong about the identity of this old building.

  22. I love the faded colors. You captured it well. :)


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