
Monday, September 30, 2013

Medieval Faire in Salem

(click on photo to enlarge)

This weekend was the annual Medieval Faire in Salem. We went yesterday. In the photo is Dame Dianna, The Royal Huntress and her dog, an Irish Wolfhound. While Dame Dianna and her husband were standing outside their tent, we could all pet the dog. He was so calm and sweet, and HUGE. Loved him!

"One of the earliest recorded references to Irish Wolfhounds is in Roman records dating to 391 A.D. Often used as royal gifts, they hunted with their masters, fought beside them in battle, guarded their castles, played with their children, and lay quietly by the fire as family friends. They were fierce hunters of wolves and the oversized Irish elk, so good that their prey disappeared from Ireland and the hounds fell upon hard times. By the 19th Century there were few IWs left in Ireland."
From AKC

For more info on the faire CLICK HERE


  1. What a great shot. That seems to sum up the faire very well! I am glad you had a good time. Jealous!

  2. Looks like fun, I have never seen one of those dogs, glad I don't have to feed it. I like that long bow.

  3. awesome. would love to go one time. love that doggie!! i have seen one in person & they are super huge. ( :

  4. Love the clothing of the times, although they must have been VERY hot on a summer day...

  5. I've had a number of friends with those gentle giants as pets. The only downside is that they do not live very long. Hard to love them and them lose them after 7 or 8 years.

  6. When I was growing up there was a medieval faire in Dallas that we used to go to. It was always fun!

  7. Spent yesterday at the Renaissance Festival in Minnesota. There was a women in costume with an Irish Wolf Hound. Perhaps your photo subject travels?

  8. What a magnificent hound, and archer. Fabulous shot!

  9. I'll have to show this photo to my husband. That is his dream dog! He's always talking about how he wants an Irish Wolfhound!

  10. That is a wonderful shot. IW are such great dogs.

  11. Wonderful capture! the dog looking good..


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