
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Mountain Lake Lodge-A Series-Part 4-Christmas Decorations

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What does "House of Moody" mean? I'm glad you asked!:

"Calling Mountain Lake his family’s summer home since 1918, William Lewis Moody Jr. of Galveston acquired the property in 1930, and built the large stone Lodge which still stands today. Stone quarried from the surrounding mountain property was used to construct the Lodge. Lumber and hardware from the original hotel was repurposed and used in construction of several cottages and the car barn in 1937.
Mary Moody Northen developed a love of Mountain Lake as a young girl spending her summers at the resort. Upon her father’s death she purchased Mountain Lake. Upon her death in 1986, trustees of her estate established the Mary Moody Northen Endowment which presently owns and operates the resort. Mrs. Northen’s final wishes were to maintain the Lodge and surrounding land as a place where future generations could connect with nature as she had as a young girl."

You can read more about Mountain Lake's interesting history RIGHT HERE

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The lodge looks so pretty decorated for Christmas! We're getting our tree tonight. I'm so late this year on getting things done. Christmas really snuck up on me! Are you ready? Tomorrow afternoon Christian and I are going to go out and get a little shopping done. Hopefully I'll get the majority of it finished.

Christmas activities start this weekend at the Lodge. CLICK HEREto see all the fun they have planned, including a brunch with Santa!

Linking with Signs, Signs


  1. Very tasteful decorations. Nice shots!

  2. I've always admired anyone who can decorate a tree to look like that. Mine still look like a six year old did it. LOL

  3. what beautiful scenes....everything about this place is appealing to me...hope you all are not is frigid up here...

  4. If I lived in your part of the world I'd definitely be making my way to the Lodge, you've done a great job showing us around, thanks!

  5. Pretty! I really like the second one!

  6. Interesting history! I love the tree. It looks so pretty!

  7. The decorations look fantastic. Really love that train going around one of the trees :).

  8. I love to see a tree in the window, so everyone, inside and out, can enjoy it.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. What a gorgeous place….love all the festive Christmas decor!

  11. It's beginning to look alot like Christmas ;-)

  12. Interesting post! It's fun seeing Christmas decorations.


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