
Friday, December 13, 2013

Mountain Lake Lodge-A Series-Part 5-Changes

(click on photo to enlarge)

It was a downpour when we left the Lodge to head back to the cabin. The front desk gave us umbrellas to use so we could stay dry! We are expecting snow and sleet tonight/tomorrow. Darn it, the Buchanan Parade is tomorrow. If we end up going, we'll be freezing our tookuses off.

In Lodge talk today I'll share with you the changes that have been made at the Lodge. Although much of the staff and management team are new, you wouldn't even be able to tell. I mean that in a good way. Everyone got along great with each other and things just flowed so naturally like they've been working together for years!

I found this article that explains all the changes taking place:

"The famous resort from “Dirty Dancing” has undergone many changes in hopes of becoming one of southwest Virginia’s premiere vacation destinations.

Mountain Lake Lodge, located about 30 minutes from Virginia Tech in Pembroke, Va., reopened on May 3 after undergoing design, vision and management changes......." Read the rest of the story HERE

CLICK HERE to view all the fun Christmas and New Years events going on including the Open House tomorrow from 6-9 FREE!!

Have a great weekend :)


  1. Oh, Tanya, just suck it up and enjoy the snow, sleet, and ice like the rest of us! Have a happy week-end!

  2. It's been years since I was at Smith Mountain lake (for a wedding of friends). It is a charming place. I would love to see the renovations. Be careful out there !

  3. I hope the snow and sleet wait until the B Parade is done...stay safe and warm.

  4. Hi Tanya, I have enjoyed your posts about the Lodge. Looks like a great place to visit. Might go there one day. Thank you for your kind comments about the backlinks. I was just worried you might find them annoying as I know it has been understandably a bit irritating for a few people, not understanding why I am leaving my calling card, that it wasn't actually my doing and not realizing that they could get rid of them by turning off their backlinks. I have been slowly learning a lot about those things :) Thanks for being so understanding. If it doesn't bother you it doesn't bother me. Have a great weekend :)

  5. I didn't know we had weather moving in. Yuck.

  6. Have a great weekend, regardless of the weather!

  7. Dirty Dancing is one of my favorite movies. I wonder if I would "feel it" if I visited there. lol

  8. Hope you can stay warm if you go to the parade! Lots of layers :)

  9. I hope the weather doesn't dampen things too much!

  10. The snow's a good thing!

    Having had never watched Dirty Dancing, I don't think I'd associate the resort with the movie.

  11. Please don't get me going on Dirty Dancing.
    *Nobody puts Baby in the corner!

  12. Hey Tanya,
    hopely you can stay warm ... and ... comes good at home back.
    We have daily rain and fog in Berlin (Germany). :(
    I wish you a wonderfully pleasant 3rd Advent weekend, Wieczora (◔‿◔) | Mein Fotoblog

  13. Oh what a neat place to visit! I hope the weather cooperates for the parade!

  14. What a grand time you must be having! I just scrolled through all the posts on your weekend stay. Does it resemble anything like the place from Dirty Dancing?

  15. So fun you got to visit the Dirty Dancing site! What a great tour, stay warm!

  16. Hope it wasn't too cold for the parade. Must have been fun to stay at the "Dirty Dancing" resort!


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