
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Weekend Reflections - Lobster Lady

(click on photo to enlarge)

Flash back to August. We're on our way to the Bacon-Fest. That's NOT us in the photo, just some random peeps. This was a HOT day. I felt bad for the Lobster-Lady!

Right now we are still dealing with this REALLY COLD weather. I heard from one of our resource officers yesterday that he thinks the reason we had school was because of the Governor's visit to our county. Kind of worked out that we did go to school because a group of kids attend a class where the Gov was and a friend from basketball's son got to ask the Governor a question, something like: "Why don't teachers get paid more?"...Good question.

Linking with Weekend Reflections

Oh and I forgot, today is the "Grow Your Blog" party! I'm new to this so I apologize for being so absent minded! For those of you visiting me for the first time, I'm Tanya. I live, along with my 4 kids, husband and our Rottweiler Ozzy, in Botetourt County (pronounced Bot-a-tot...don't ask), Virginia. We are right outside of Roanoke. Hence the name "Around Roanoke" ;) I started this blog while living in Georgia but then it was called "Monroe, Georgia Daily Photo, not Around Roanoke haha. I post a photo a day from my area, or sometimes from our travels outside of our area. I am part of the City Daily Photo group of bloggers. Hmmm, I guess that's about it! And you can check out more blogs entered in the Grow Your Blog party by clicking HERE! It's always fun to meet new bloggers! If you still want to know even more about me can click "about me" up top!

Hi from all of us...

and Ozzy too!


  1. nice question. :) lobster lady could use that suit under her coat these days, i bet.

  2. Welcome to the big beautiful Grow Your Blog Hop! I volunteered to help Vicki as a GYB party volunteer. Vicki will stop by sometime I am sure, but with over 500 blogs participating it will take her time to visit everyone so she asked for volunteers to help today. I offered to help. Thanks for sharing ... :) Pat @ Life in the Scrapatch

  3. There's the sort of question that would leave the governor muttering, "um... that is... well, I..."

    You would have to feel sorry for her being dressed like that on a hot day!

  4. Have just joined in and am visiting from Grow your Blog. Will look forward to seeing your area photos. Love "visiting " new places, and sadly, can't be everywhere at once, so at least in part, have to live serendipitously. Have a great weekend

  5. Ha! Ha! Boiled lobster. :-) Funny now. But, you're right, probably not so funny if you had to be the lobster that day.

  6. i love the lobster. glad you recalled to up your Grow Your Blog post ... we volunteers are going around checking for that. you are not in my section but i thought it was cute you forgot ... or sort of forgot. all good now. have a great weekend. ( :

  7. Hi Tanya! It's nice to meet you and explore your blog! The hubby and I will be in the Roanoke area in April!


  8. I've enjoyed this little summer flash-back... Th lobster must be relieve that we are in winter now : her costume looks so hot !

  9. Nice shots! Yum Bacon-Fest! I can't imagine wearing that lobster costume in August. :-)

  10. Lobster lady looks a trifle miffed with the hands on the hips. I guess I'd be pissed too, if I were in that costume on a hot day.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hello all of you! I've been wondering how you pronounce the very French sounding Botetourt for a long time!
    And yes, I'm sweating just looking at her!

    1. I use this site, pretty helpful, ----


    2. lol when we were planning on moving here i was pronouncing it in my best high school french until a real estate agent told me how it's really said, and i was shocked...i mean really, how do you get bot-a-tot from botetourt?!

  13. I had to remove the first comment because of too many typo s, oh well.
    the lobster lady would have to be uncomfortable, she's a trooper.
    Kids ask what they hear grown ups talk about. A couple of teachers my son and daughter had at henrico county schools when they were younger, I would say they were paid too much. Kids worry to much about grown up stuff these days.

  14. Oh Hi Tanya you have such a lovely family and Ozzy of course is awesome. Hug B

  15. haha! No amount of money could get me in a suit like that!

  16. Poor Lobster Lady, looks like hot work! Ozzy looks very melancholy in your photo!

  17. I can say that although I've had a few jobs, being lobster was not one of them. :)

  18. Hi to all you guys and Ozzy too. New Follower. I am having fun finding new bloggers to sewing and quilting. Greetings from Oklahoma, USA. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  19. What a lovely family, Tanya! And I loved the reflections in the man's sunglasses...the red lobster on one side, and the pink blouse on the other. :-) I have been gone a LOT over the last six months or so because of several issues that have been largely eliminated. I really missed not blogging on a regular basis for a while, and hope there are no more big breaks. Glad to be back with you!

  20. Greetings from St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Very nice to meet you. Great photos! Thanks for sharing them and your family.


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)