
Friday, January 24, 2014

SkyWatch Friday & Random 5 - Etzler Road

(click on photo to enlarge)

Heading home, down Etzler Rd, Troutville. It still pretty much looks like this out. Out of school Tues, Wed, and Thursday for snow days because of icy roads. Right now it's 6 degrees out. School is operating on a 2 hour delay. I don't understand what they think will change in 2 hours. I'm waiting on my call that they've gone ahead and changed it to closed. A bus driver was in Kroger last night saying how his route is still icy and he doesn't want to drive it. Sometimes I wonder how they come to these closing/delay conclusions.

SkyWatch Friday

Now some randoms:

1) If you love dogs like I do, go visit Landfill Dogs...a photographer has taken beautiful photos of shelter dogs.

2) I have to wake the boys up shortly but I'm still waiting on that call that they closed school. Last time it was this cold, school was closed. And we didn't even have ice then. I heard it was because the busses won't start when it is this cold.

3) I just recently started watching Medium on Neflix. I liked it when it was still on tv but rarely caught it. And I really like Patricia Arquette and her easy going personality.

4) I'm making Drunken Noodles tonight for dinner. I saw the recipe on Pinterest the other day and it looks amazing! Hope it turns out at yummy as it looks. You can see the recipe HERE

5) And now for your dose of stupid for the day...Hiker Being Rescued. This fool, along with his fool friends decided it was a good idea to go hiking in sub zero weather this morning and now have to be rescued. I hope they are fined. Now rescue crews have to get out there in this cold weather to save his dumb butt. Can't fix stupid.

To see more randoms, visit Nancy @ A Rural Journal

Have a great weekend and keep warm!!
Another Ozzy bonus ;)
(click on photo to enlarge)


  1. Etzler looks a clean roadway, but the outer-lying secondary roads that don't get cleaned are still icy.. as is ours, and the buses don't dare go down those roads, so they close school.

    1. they're still sticking by the 2 hour delay..elementary bus should be coming by in about 15 minutes then she should be back around in a half hour for the middle/high school kids...we'll see...

  2. Schools were on normal schedule here today and it was colder than the other days, hard to figure their decision path if they have one. I am home today because our backup heat has messed up several times this morning and in these temperatures I can't let the wood stove die down, it would be hard to get the house warm again and I don't need frozen pipes. Hard enough keeping water out for the animals.

  3. Love those landfill dogs! Awesome!

  4. school around here are closed due to the cold temps. maybe a bit of icy but more the cold. going to check out the "landfill dogs" ... sounds interesting??! ( :

  5. Can't fix stupid, I love it, lol! Oh and another Ozzy snap, thanks for showing a bit more of him this week, I can never get enough of doggies:)

  6. P.S. Thank you for the Landfill link, what a sad but beautiful project. Makes one want to adopt them all!

  7. I'm kind of surprised they're going to school today, with it so cold. I don't know how they make the decisions. I liked Medium when it was on TV, too, but I also wasn't able to always watch it. Stay warm!

  8. goofy ozzy. i like the shot thru the icy windshield, too.

    'can't fix stupid'. amen. :)

  9. Great picture out of the car window, with the ice crystals.

  10. That's a beautiful shot through your frosty window! Love the sky color. Hope the school officials came to their senses and closed for the day.

  11. Lol, Ozzy just made my morning. :) I agree with the can't fix stupid. There isn't a week when some snowboarder or hiker goes out of bounds on the North Shore mountains and Search and Rescue has top be dispatched. Plus, all the people are volunteers who need to stop doing what they're doing and go rescue the fool. AND they do it for free. Man, I'd so start charging, maybe then the fools would think twice.

  12. I do not miss having to drive in bad weather -- and I never understood the 2-hour delay thing either.

  13. Gorgeous sky!! It's been bitter cold here too! Willard has had 7 snow days so far this year! Last year we only had two the entire year. Crazy!

  14. Great composition - the road leads the eye right into the sky, and the sky is very beautiful! Serendipity often provides opportunity for the best photos!

  15. I wish we had Netflix. And I wish I could be in your photo. I mean, seeing what you were seeing and driving!

  16. What a beautiful photo of the sky and road! It looks really pretty even though I know it doesn't feel pretty haha. Drunken noodles sound yummy!

  17. Love that first shot..that sky is wonderful. No, you can fix stupid.

  18. It is always the dumb that need rescuing.

  19. Nicely framed view of the winter sky

  20. Canceling school just because it is cold? "Back when I was a boy . . . "

  21. Love those bonus Ozzy shots! I hope everyone was safe on those icy roads!

  22. That's a very cool shot! Nicely framed with the ice!


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