
Monday, April 21, 2014

Meet Daniel

(click on photo to enlarge)

This is Daniel Caldeborn. He is from Sweden. We met him yesterday in Buchanan. Daniel was having some lunch along the James River and getting ready to jump back on his bike for the days ride. Daniel wanted to tour the USA in a slow fashion so he flew over here and started his journey in Yorktown, Va and will end in Portland, Or. He thinks it should take him about 3 months. We enjoyed talking to Daniel and I told him to have his parents and girlfriend Google my blog so they can see a picture of him since I'm sure they are missing him! Best of luck to you Daniel! It was nice meeting you!

(click on photo to enlarge)


  1. Well, that trip sure will cost him a few sets of tires!

  2. That would be fun. To bad he couldn't stop at cities with all of us blogger so that he could have a photo in each city.

  3. What fun to meet this young man, and I wish him safe and happy travels. I met another young man years ago who was doing the same thing. He was British and in the Army but on his down time he was riding his bike across America. He walked into our shop one day as the British flag drew him in and he knew he could get a cup of tea. He did, and a good hot meal which we wouldn't let him pay for, we were so delighted about meeting him. His name was Anthony. We kept in touch with him as he was also writing a blog, and we followed him until he got back home again.

  4. Ups! Got so caught up in my memories that I forgot to say what lovely photos, and also to thank you for your comment on my blog about my recent blog problems. Have a great week Tanya!

  5. too great!! i bet he will have some great experiences. & something to remember for many years to come. ( :

  6. Sounds as though he's taking the trans America bike route (or roughly) - something I've been wanting to do for a few years now! I usually try to find a few cross country cyclists each summer who blog, so that I can live vicariously through them. I wish Daniel well - what a wonderful trip he will have!

  7. What a super way to really see the country and meet so many nice people like yourself along the way Tanya. I just can't imagine ever cycling that distance :)

  8. That's great that you posted a photo for his family to see! And what an awesome adventure he is on.

  9. That would be my dream but I'd need more than three months!

  10. Good luck to Daniel on his ride across the USA. He will need to average about 40+ miles a day if he is going to get to Seattle in 90 days. That's doable, but in many places towns are way more than 40 miles apart.

  11. how very cool! good luck to him!

  12. I am always in awe of those who act on their exciting for him!

  13. That's a wonderful way to travel. I hope he will enjoy the USA.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  14. Terrific portraits! I hope he enjoys America, Tanya!

  15. Sounds like a fun adventure and a great way to see the country!

  16. We drove by there today on the way home and saw a biker but it wasn't him. It was a good day for it, not too hot.

  17. Does Daniel appreciate how BIG this country is???

  18. He has a long ride ahead, I wish him luck and hope he enjoys himself

  19. How cool is Daniel??? Wishing him safety on his adventure!!

  20. Hi Tanya! My name is Sofie and I'm Daniels girlfriend! It's really fun that you've blogged about Daniel, and that we got to see some new picture of him!
    We miss him very, very much!

    / Sofie

    1. yay!! i'm so glad you saw it! i hope he is doing well!! where is he now?

    2. Haha! Yeah, he's doing just fine!
      Well, yesterday he cycled 100 miles and last night he slept in a town called Leoti, KS. So he bikes on quite fast, haha! :)


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