
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Our World Tuesday - The Abandoned Project II

(click on photo to enlarge)
Along Route 11. Botetourt County

What do you think this used to be? A store? A Garage?

Linking with Our World Tuesday

One more view:
(click on photo to enlarge)

There's a new linky! Rubbish Tuesday, so of course I'm linking because I join everything lol....visit more rubbish HERE


  1. Maybe it was both! Cool old building and a bit sad.

  2. I like those diagonal boards. Too bad this place has not been maintained.

  3. there are those two doors on the left, so maybe a garage with small store attached, he looks so sad and do you not wish buildings could talk...

  4. A 'saloon' perhaps?!

  5. Went by that yesterday as well. From what I can remember from going by there as a kid, it had feed signs on the wall so maybe could have been a little store that sold feed before the big companies moved in. If you look across the road you will see a section of the old narrow road prior to the 1930s, it went out around the hill instead of going over it toward the bridge at the interstate. I have been on sections of the original road and it was so narrow that you have to slow and get on the edge when two cars pass, like a driveway almost.

  6. Looks neat, it probably was quite a few different things before being boarded up.

  7. Hmm, with those doors I would guess it was a store of some sort.

  8. Great decay shots, you know I love them! :-)

  9. What stories it could tell! Love your photos, such a beautiful blue sky too.

  10. Not sure what that building was. Great find though!

  11. Some kind of store... but it doesn't look like it'll have much longer shelf life with how it's coming apart.

  12. I'm not sure what it was, but I do feel there are a lot of stories to be told about what happened there over the years. It's sad to see old abandoned buildings like this.

  13. Must have been pretty in its heydays!

  14. I also love to take pictures of old buildings and barns and we have plenty up here in Floyd! My husband and I just in Buchanan County hiking to Apple Orchard Falls and staying at the Peaks of Otter Lodge. Nice to meet you neighbor!

  15. neat rubbish. i rather enjoy that word. ( :

  16. Great find! It reminds me of an old feed store we had here in town. It had wide doors to allow trucks to load their purchases. Interesting old building! Thanks for linking up!

  17. I'm thinking 'store'. I could spend hours looking at this building.

  18. I think it was both, beautiful photos.

  19. Kinda looks like an old store, but I'm not sure.

  20. How intriguing. Maybe a store on the left and end some kind of repair garage on the right.

  21. Great place! It looks like it may have been several different kinds of place before it was deserted.

  22. What a lovely old store! It is rather neat! I look for old stores when I go to countrysides with my camera ,but it lacks here.
    Have a good day!

  23. Ouch! Nasty. Don't get too close to that old guy. It is coming down. Sooner rather than later.

  24. I hope someone at least recycles the wood.

  25. Lovely shots of the old building!

  26. I wonder how much longer that one will be standing?

    nice picture.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  27. ah what a shame - I wonder what are its chances of recue

  28. I'm not sure what it might have been….but it has seen better days. Cool photos.


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