
Monday, July 7, 2014

Salem Fair

(click on photo to enlarge)

Yesterday we took the boys to the Salem Fair. Nick wasn't feeling very well when we were leaving the house and so he walked around the fair for a little bit and decided to just go back home and come back for us later. So the boys and I were on our own to tackle some rides! This view is from the tippy-top of the ferris wheel. We had just finished our lunch of pizza so didn't want to ride anything too unsettling right away. It was a pretty hot day. Lots of people under-dressed. Made me think most of the Roanoke area does not own a mirror in their homes. People, less is not always more when it comes to dressing. We saw plenty of big girls in booty shorts with cowboy boots and their sizeable bellies hanging out. This is not a good look, but seemed to be a popular one at the fair. My eyes!


  1. Well I like this view it is gorgeous the other one glad I did not see it:) I am sure you had a great time. Hug B

  2. Sounds just like Wal-Mart. LOL I have to wear my sunglasses in THAT store. So much flab swinging around that store, and I don't care if people think I am being rude... Folks in this area are obese and think everyone else wants to see what SHOULD be hidden under their clothing. ugh. I need to lose 20 pounds but at least I don't try to show it off.

    1. i know, i'm not dogging people for their size but dress accordingly please!

  3. What a gorgeous picture!
    Yeppers, our culture has taken a few surprising turns . . fashion is one of them . . .
    Thank you for the view!!!

  4. Ha you are too funny, but gave me a mental picture of the fair-goers. I have never been to that fair but heard they have lots to eat there which probably made the crowd happy.

  5. Do women in booty shorts EVER check their stomachs before they walk out the door????
    "Look a way I'm hideous!"

  6. i'm laughing at your 'sights'. sad to say...

  7. When I did juvenile probation, come October we'd always get a number of new cases of kids who had received charges at the Salem fair, then gone through the court system in Salem, and been transferred to us for probation. We used to joke that we should set up a 'meet with your probation officer' booth at the fair for them to stop by to see us.

  8. What a super shot from up so high Tanya, brilliant overview.. Hehe! You do see some sights, here also :)

  9. Bright colors, but that sky looks threatening. Looks like a fun day at the fair.

  10. i guess for me - there are lots of trends for any size person that is just not that flattering. it is frustrating & confusing for girls who are young & see them, look up to them? what are they thinking? i think you can be in summer cool outfit (as in not hot temp wise) & also be very lady like. not having the butt cheeks or boobs hanging out ... it can be done.

    any time you want to link up to InSPIREd Sunday. we would love to have ya. share any church - it is so fun to see what everyone comes up with. all sorts of amazing places i would never see if it was not for this link up. so awesome!!! ( :

  11. True that less is not always more! I just noticed your linky for Fridays. I hope to remember to join in this week. Thanks!

  12. You thought that was a good ride after lunch? I would've lost mine!
    I see people out and I think: Where was your Mother when you were leaving the house? Then I realize, that perhaps they learned from their Mom?
    NOT attractive!

  13. What a nice scene with the mountains in the background !

  14. You caught a cool bird's eye view!!!

  15. That is a great fairground scene Tanya and yes your comments made me smile. Underdressing goes on everywhere.

  16. Dressing accordingly... if only, alas!

    Great vantage point for the shot. We had fairs like this in the town where I grew up- no doubt they still go on.

  17. You must have been high up. Great shot.

  18. Now that's from a high perspective! We see those 'ladies' walking around our fair, too. What are they thinking!

  19. Not me. I don't like heights. And after eating? Noooooo.

  20. Oh, yeah, less is not more. See a lot of that at the annual festival in Altavista.

    That is a crystal-clear, beautiful photo! I love the mountains in the distance.

  21. I somehow admire these men and women who aren't ruled by public opinion, though having said this I don't admire their looks when too much is out there..we've a circus in town-nothing the size of your Roanoke Fair.

  22. Unfortunately, warm weather brings them out the wide world over!


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