
Friday, July 4, 2014

Willy Nilly Friday 5 #2 - Happy 4th of July!

(click on photo to enlarge)
Route 11, Troutville

Friday 5's:
1) Today is the 4th of July or Independence Day. People all across America (maybe even a few abroad) will be celebrating by grilling out/bbq'ing (some hardcore bbq people say bbq is NOT a verb) hamburgers and hot dogs, I'm sure there will be some fried chicken involved (we're picking up a bucket) potato salads, watermelon, some libations, parades, live music and then fireworks to wrap up the evening. The USA knows how to party!

2) The 4th of July is also my Christian's birthday. Happy 17! He is seriously one of the funniest people I know and I love him to pieces.

3) Braden and Dalton have moved up out of rec football to middle school football (7th grade). They were supposed to start conditioning Tues/Thurs of this week but we played hookie. It's not mandatory (yet) and hey, it's summer. They will start on Tuesday. This is a huge milestone. I won't have any kids in rec ball for the first time in a lot of years :( Many of you have seen these 2 practically grow up on this blog. Time flies. Where's the tissues?
You can see the first time I introduced them to you on my blog HERE...we lived in Georgia at the time.

4) Gosh, I love blogging. Being able to go back and find posts like the 1 above that you would normally forget? It's pretty cool. I've "met" some pretty nice people through my blog that I would love to meet in real life. If ever you are in my neck of the woods, let me know!

5) This totally cracks me up and I can watch it over and over (and I do!). Tried with Ozzy with less than stellar results.

I hope you are able to link up to Willy Nilly Friday 5 this week, but if you can't, I understand! If you can, just grab my button up there on the right, post 5 random things you wish to share, link up, and visit other linkers. Let's party like it's 1999! Happy 4th! And Happy weekend!

Willy Nilly Friday 5 starts at 12:00 a.m. Eastern Time, every Friday, unless I mess up! :) P.S. If link #1 shows as Tanya, just ignore, that is me with my Ozzy blog and I don't know how to get it out of there!


  1. Ah, that explains your URL. I wondered about that.

  2. Happy 4th! Trust me, we know how to party too!

    And bon anniversaire à Christian !

  3. HAPPY 4th July that video was fantastically funny.

  4. Hysterical video ! Happy 4th !

  5. Happy July 4 and Happy Birthday to Christian... enjoy your weekend, and chicken!

  6. Happy July 4th!!! and 17th to Christian, great photo. Going back to the original photo of B and D, how they have GROWN. The video gave me rib cramps, funnnnny.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. LOVE that video it had me laugh out loud. Love the family pic my how your boys have grown. Happy Birthday Christian. I love Blogging it is like having all your memories just a click away:)
    Have a great 4th of July Tanya and someday we will meet and it will be awesome. HUG B

  9. I have to let you know that BBQ is not a verb…it's a sauce. :) HA HA. Yep, I'm ONE Of those people.
    Happy birthday to Christian!!! I too love going back and reading some of my old posts….I actually make myself laugh!
    The video is awesome; can't imagine how I'd get my dogs to do it!
    Have a great weekend!

  10. you have a busy time!! Happy 4th!! enjoy! ( :

  11. Happy Birthday to Christian- your boys are growing up so fast!!

  12. I went back and checked out the young 'uns. They sure have grown up! My son's birthday is tomorrow. I actually got him a present in the mail that arrived on time. He lives in Franklin, TN. Love that video!

  13. your boys are growing so fast! happy birthday to your 17 yr old young man!

  14. I'd wondered about that blog url.

    A Happy Birthday to your son, and Happy Independence Day to you!

  15. Great Five! Happy Birthday Christian! (They grow up so fast!) and Happy Birthday USA! Just died laughing over the dog! TOOOO funny! Thanks for starting this great meme. I'll be back again and again.

  16. They do grow up fast. Happy birthday, Christian!

  17. Happy Birthday to your son Tanya and what a fun meme. I saw another participant this morning and didn't realize this was yours. I will join in next time when I can put two thoughts together ;)

  18. That damned video nearly killed me. But I think I am OK now.

    Big developments for all three of your young men. Congrats to all.

    The houses are probably owned by brothers, one of whom is a party guy and the other is bah humbug.

  19. Ya, time flies in the blogsphere too. It has no consideration, you know?

  20. lovely familie, funny thevideo of the dog

  21. Hope your Fourth was fantastic!


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