
Friday, September 26, 2014

SkyWatch Friday & Willy Nilly Friday 5 Number 13

click on photo to enlarge
The boys had a football game on Monday in Salem at Spartan Field. It was a terrible game. We lost 35-0. If you live local you will already know why we lost, "it was Salem". Well at least we were blessed by THIS sky at the end of the game! Linking with SkyWatch Friday

I was reading some useless facts and thought they were pretty interesting so I'm gonna make them my Willy-Nilly post:

1) Johnny Appleseed planted apples so that people could use apple cider to make alcohol. (and here all this time I just thought he was a do-gooder, turns out he was just a lush!)

2) The most powerful earthquake to strike the United States occurred in 1811 in New Madrid, Missouri. The quake shook more than one million square miles, and was felt as far as 1,000 miles away. (I actually learned about this when we lived in Missouri. Pretty wild!)

3) The Bible, the world’s best-selling book, is also the world’s most shoplifted book. (well that's ironic)

4) What is called a “French kiss” in the English speaking world is known as an “English kiss” in France. (ok Frenchies, is this true?!)

5) In Baltimore USA it is illegal to wash or scrub a sink regardless of how dirty it is. (and now I don't think I will be eating out in Baltimore! ewww)

Ok, now it's your turn! Post 5 random things about ANYTHING and come back here and link up. Visit other Willy-Nilly'ers and have fun!

Have a wonderful weekend :)


  1. That's not a dumb law at all. Baltimore is part of the Chesapeake Bay watershed and the Chesapeake Bay is in really bad shape due to pollution!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    =^..^= . <3 . >< } } (°>

  2. Nr.5 fascinates me. I am a apprentice in a law firm and different laws in other countries (especially the USA) are really interesting to read about.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. I've just asked 5 'frenchies' who say they don't refer to their kissing as 'french kissing' and feel this more an anglicism but they are not completely sure :-) (good food for thought and research)-not washing sinks even with natural products seems weird.

  4. What a sky! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  5. Our school didn't have a pleasant game with Salem, they got skunked.

  6. that is so silly - i never knew about the bible comment - why would you steal a bible? most give them away for FREE. weird??! ( :

  7. Sounds like last night's Redskins game. :-)

  8. Love that sky and although I understand not using caustic chemicals to clean a sink I would think there are other products for that purpose. Sadly, no Willy Nilly for me this week. Hopefully time will be more available next week!

  9. Who knew on the earthquake! And Baltimore! Wonder why that law was passed?

  10. Very nice, I love these clouds represent the beauty of nature! Beautiful photo!

  11. I knew I liked that Johnny Appleseed. So interesting about the earthquake and the English Kiss! I'm completely confuzzled in regards to the dirty sinks in Baltimore!!

  12. Ok, revelation time. My first kiss was a 'french kiss'. I said to myself... WHAT just happened?

  13. shoplifting bibles. that made me grin. :)

  14. Great Willy Nilly's and the sky picture is awesome!

  15. J A a lush?!!! Who-da known?

    If my history lessons are correct, the earthquake actually changed the course of the Mississippi River also?!! Not sure.

  16. You overwhelmed me with these funny revelations!

  17. These are weirdly amazing facts, and unlike any I have seen. Stealing the bible is even wronger than stealing anything else. BUT I will say if the person actually reads some of it and gives his life to God, then that makes it a good thing. I just HAVE to Google the sink thing, ewww. Your sky picture is unlike anything I have ever seen. It is like a flashlight in the sky.

  18. That's a rough loss, but such a good sky shot.

    Shoplifting the Bible? The Sisters Of Little Or No Mercy wouldn't like that!

  19. Super sky Tanya.. you made me smile, why is Salem always used in spooky films etc. even way over here in Perth we know about the goings on in Salem :)

  20. Sorry about the football game. Hope the boys took it well. Love that bit of light peeking through the clouds!
    DO you know why you can't scrub sinks in Baltimore? Surely that must be one of those old laws that isn't really followed anymore.
    I lived in France for a long time and have never heard of an "English kiss", but I have heard of an English letter.

  21. Sorry the team lost but that sky is pretty amazing. How fun to read those (useless) facts. Actually it was quite interesting. I say Ewwww to not washing your dirty sink out. As for stealing Bibles, Have you seen how much they cost in book stores? Not that I advocate stealing but geez they can be expensive.

  22. I forgot it was didn't join. We just got home yesterday evening so just not really on schedule.

    Anyway, really enjoyed your random facts. Did you know that Tecumseh, the Indian, predicted the earthquake? No one knows how he knew.

    I don't think I will be wanting to eat in Baltimore, either!

  23. Interesting factoid post! Sorry I missed Willy Nilly....will be back to it when I can! Great sky shot!


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