
Friday, February 27, 2015

Willy Nilly Friday 5 No. 34 - This Week In Photos

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Spotted this cute snowman in Cloverdale while picking the boys up from school this week...

Now for some Willy Nilly pics that happened this week:

This sweet boy turned 4 on the 22nd...Happy Birthday Ozzy!!

Waiting for the train to go by...

Ozzy was in the backseat but noticed this cute dog ahead...watched as they turned onto the freeway...

Had to take my vehicle in for service this week...

Another few inches of snow arrived Wed night/Thurs morning...enough for the schools to call a snow day!

Now it is your turn! Post 5 randoms, link up and visit others! Have fun and have a great weekend!!

While you are here, will you please take a moment to vote for me?!


  1. Ozzie is a nice looking dog! I think we have had enough snow! But wouldn't you have loved it all when young! I still remember the thrill...shoot, it was even thrilling when my girls were in school!

  2. voted . . looks like you know how to make the best of winter

  3. Enjoyed riding with you

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  4. That's Virginia? Really? Oh my! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  5. Happy Birthday Ozzy. Love your Winnie the Pooh tie :) Great series of pictures Tanya.

  6. We don't have school again today. THe roads are clear, but it was supposed to be a 2 hour early dismissal, and I guess they were worried about black ice this morning but didn't want to do a 2 hour delay AND a 2 hour early dismissal, so they just closed. The boys get to have a SUPER fun day running errands with me ;-)

  7. Great series, hope Ozzy had a good birthday... his tie suits him, very smart!

  8. happy birthday, ozzy! nice snow on the trees and really cute snowman. :)

  9. Oh Ozzy, you're adorable and all dressed up for your party! Happy Birthday cutie!

  10. Your snow picture is beautiful. I love the tie, and the dog wearing it! The tall skinny snowman had a lot of work put into him. This year, even with all the snow, we have not seen even ONE snowman!

  11. Ozzy looks quite dashing with that tie! Happy Birthday to him!

  12. Ozzy is a handsome dog, wow he's a snappy dresser too and apparently a "flirt."
    Can't say I envy you with that snow. It's starting to look like spring here and I'm more then happy with that. What a fun snowman, looks like it's on a diet though.

  13. Ozzy is soooo cute! I love the tie. Happy birthday!
    Looks like you guys are still getting snow too. Here's to an early spring!

  14. Happy Biurthday Ozzy! Beautiful snow and trees shot. Hope you are doing well. I'm sorry I haven't joined in the last two weeks...I'll get back soon!

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Happy birthday to your sweet Ozzy; he sure is a snazzy dresser! All the do you people deal with it?? LOL!!! Wishing you a lovely and warm week. XOXO


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)