
Friday, January 27, 2017

Willy Nilly Friday 5 No. 116

click on photos to enlarge

Blue Ridge Park...came here on Monday to walk the was kind of cold!

Glade Creek Baptist Church...this is the church that sits next to the cemetery I posted on Tuesday.

Along 460...isn't this an oxymoron?

Sunset this week from my deck.

5) I have been feeling like there's not time for anything lately! The boys have weight lifting at 7:45 in the morning for football so I drive them to that and come back home...I have to be back at school at 9:30 then I get off at 1-1:30...then the boys have track practice right after school so I have to go back and pick them up (rather than have them ride the bus) at 5:30 or 6, depending...My life has been chopped into small snippets of time...I'm drowning!

That's my 5 this week and I hope you will join in with us! Post 5 randoms, link back, visit others!! Thanks for playing along and have a great weekend!!

I'm linking with Photo Friday and Good Fences :)


  1. You are the taxi for your boys, that takes so many time, probably the ways are to long to ride with a bicycle?
    Have a relaxing weekend

    1. oh yes, way too long for a bike ride! and the road is very narrow and winding...not safe!

  2. Your sunset picture is gorgeous! What a sweet little church. You have a beautiful walk.Enjoy the time you have driving them, it gets much more stressful when they can drive themselves!

    1. oh i know, i have 2 older drivers and still make them text me if they aren't coming home haha...i actually will miss not driving them around!

  3. I agree with Ginny, above, about the driving them...when they get a license to drive...lord have mercy---what a stressful time that is.

    Love the scene from the deck.

    Oh, and ---- Atheist Christmas? Yep, how can that be?

  4. I really like your first photo. It just looks like waiting for spring to show up. Also lovely sunset.

  5. The link up disappeared for me for a little bit, haven't had that problem in a long time but I closed my browser and then reopened and it came back so if you have trouble with it, try that!

  6. Take some time for yourself now and then!

  7. I sympathise and know only to well what it feels like being 'mom's taxi' and feeling like there are revolving doors in your house spinning you out!
    I enjoyed your photos for today! Thanks for hosting!

  8. I thought I commented on this last night...your 5th thing brought back my taxi service days! I don't know how you do it...your day is more chopped up than mine was.

    Love that first shot and the sunset.

  9. You manage so much - I can't imagine what you'll accomplish when your life sorts itself again . . . you sure have my respect!

  10. There's never enough time, is there? Love that sunset!

  11. lovely landscape thanks for joining to Good Fences

  12. Never enough hours in the day, even now that I'm retired. That sunset is awesome!

  13. Blue Ridge Park is so green, even in winter. Imagine these trees sporting leaves in a few months!

  14. Love the sunset. And I think all the sign is saying is you can have a great Christmas (which is mostly about buying and selling) even if you don't celebrate the birth of Jesus in a church.

  15. Great fence shot.
    Charming Church
    There is no such thing as an "Atheist" as how can you not believe that something doesn't exist because then you are acknowledging that it does exist to not believe in it. - Silly sign and very sad that they feel the need to post it. Lovely sunset photo and yes when you have kids in sports your life takes on a whole different aspect (taxi driver)! Have a great weekend.


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)