
Thursday, December 21, 2017

2 Chairs & A Windmill

click on photo to enlarge

Blue Ridge

Remember last week I was thankful for a snow day? Well this week I am un-thankful for a make up day :( ...Yesterday was supposed to be our last day of school before Christmas break and we have to make up that day off grinchy right?! With that being said, it will be a fun day at school...we have our little Christmas party and it will be a laid back day...Thankful today that I work with friends! Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday

And another thing to be thankful for is the fact that yesterday they had a drawing...all the names of staff at school were entered and my name was picked! I won a Chick-fil-A gift card...yay me!

Have a great day!


  1. Hello, make up days are no fun. Having a Christmas party made up for having to go back to school. Congrats on your win. Thanks always for your visits and comments this past year. Have a happy day and weekend ahead. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  2. Congratulations on your win,a gift card! So glad to see those yellow leaves hang on the tree! Have a good day!

  3. Are you a teacher? In a public school? I didn't know this! Teachers hold the future in their hands, and are not paid near enough! End of rant. This is the strangest picture!! I wonder who sits there beside this windmill...

  4. Nothing like winning during the Xmas season! Kind of a weird photo, or rather it looks like kind of weird place. I hope that Chuck filet isn't located there! :)

  5. Chick fila- yay! That's my favorite food gift card. Sorry about makeup day, but better now than one more after the last day before summer break. That's when we always had to do makeups.

  6. Hey, that sounds great. I love some Chik-Fil-A! Thanks for linking up today and I hope your break is great!

  7. Boo to make up days! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  8. I work in the front office of an elementary school and there is nothing laid back about that last day, lol. Sorry you had to make up your snow day. We did half a day, so no make up, Rah!

  9. Two lonely chairs. Someone needed to rest perhaps.

  10. Having a Christmas party made up for having to go back to school. Congrats on your win. Thanks always for your visits and comments this past year.


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)