
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Black & White Wednesday

click on photo to enlarge

Blue Ridge . Botetourt County

Yesterday the boys and I went for a little walk...We walked over to the bridge on the Blue Ridge Parkway, then followed the Parkway to the next bridge and got off and walked back all it was probably just a mile or 2...I don't was cold face was frozen by the time we got back in the house!

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas...sorry I wasn't here for Willy Nilly Friday...was swamped! Now today's task, get the house back in order!


  1. I remember what our house looked like after Christmas back when we had kids living at home., so I have some idea of what you're going through. I like this photo very much...the contrast between black and white is excellent! I hope you had a very Happy Holiday season!

  2. Beautiful B&W image, Tanya! Sounds like a wonderful walk, too. Wishing you all the very best in 2018!! Happy New Year! blessings ~ tanna

  3. A beautiful picture! The least favorite thing about Christmas is taking everything down and cleaning! Perhaps I will postpone it all till after New Years!

  4. ...stop by up here and I'll introduce you to COLD!

  5. Beautiful b&w. I love those trees in front, they really stand out.

  6. Beautiful! You are fortunate to be so close to the BRP! I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas!

  7. Really nice B&W! I bet you enjoyed your walk. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!


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