
Friday, January 31, 2020

Willy Nilly Friday 5/2020 #5

Click on photos to enlarge
During the summer I wash my porch down while I water the flowers...cools everything down and the birds like to stop by and cool off as well... linking this with Weekend Reflections

A couple of cute cows at Lord Botetourt High School...part of their FFA program...linking with Saturday's Critters

Winter makes some dramatic skies doesn't it? This was a recent sunset at my house... linking with Skywatch Friday

Fincastle . Botetourt County
Linking with The Weekend in Black and White

A license plate I saw recently while waiting at a red light...made me think of the saying "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken."
The plate says "burself"...hard to see unless you really zoom in!

That's my 5 this week! Linking up with Tom's Willy Nilly Friday 5 and My Corner of the World

Have a great weekend 🙂

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Signs 2 - Welcome to Bonsack

Click on photos to enlarge

Bonsack . Roanoke County . 460

Bonsack is a tiny village along 460 in Roanoke County...a couple of years ago I was working the polls with an older woman who grew up here and told me so many fascinating stories about Bonsack and its early inhabitants. Up until then I had never given Bonsack much thought and was always a little bit curious why such a cute sign for such a small slice of Roanoke but after learning so much from this woman I now understand and this little village definitely deserves to be protected historically!

Found this on Wikipedia:
"It was named "Bonsack" after the family donated the land for a depot and track for the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, which was constructed in 1852. Two blanket factories were located in in Bonsack during the Civil War. Legend has it that one blanket factory was burned to the ground by the Yankees."

I found THIS interesting story about preserving Bonsack and it dates back to 2007 so hopefully the development that is mentioned in the article is nothing to worry about anymore.
Linking with Tom's Signs 2

Today I am thankful for Braden's continued progress...he's down to one crutch and now putting his own shoes and socks on...he's getting more of his independence back and I'm sure he's thankful for that as well....I know it is hard to constantly need help for every little thing!
Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Tail Lights

Mountain Pass Road . Troutville

Grey and rain...I'm ready for spring and colors!

"The nicest thing about the rain is that it always stops. Eventually."
Eeyore 🙂

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tuesday's Treasures - A Dorothy Gillespie Piece

Institute for Orthopedics and Neuroscience (ION) . 2331 Franklin Rd SW . Roanoke

Yesterday while going to Braden's Drs appointment I noticed this piece when walking in...I've been here several times and never really noticed this but now after reading about Dorothy Gillespie's work from last week's Monday Murals I recognized it immediately!

Linking with Tom's Tuesday's Treasures
CLICK HERE for last week's Monday Murals and info on Dorothy Gillespie

Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday Murals - Mellow Mushroom

Mellow Mushroom . 2239 Franklin Rd SW . Roanoke

This morning Braden had his second post op Drs appointment (everything looks good!) and Mellow Mushroom is right next door so I snapped a pic for Monday Murals because it is so colorful! Full disclosure: I've not eaten here, yet! We had them where we lived in Georgia and Nick had been to one there and wasn't impressed so he's never taken us haha but I think that needs to change! Looks like a fun place to eat! Braden has another post op check up in a few weeks so I think we'll plan to have dinner there afterwards! You can read a review HERE

"Rather Severe" painted the mural and you can read about that and them HERE

Linking up with Monday Murals

Tomorrow I have a surprise for Tuesday's Treasures that ties back to last weeks mural, it was a bit of surprise so check back to see what it is!

Have a great day 🙂

Friday, January 24, 2020

Willy Nilly Friday 5/2020 #4

Mountain Pass Road . Blue Ridge
Linking with Saturday's Critters

Blue Ridge
On Thursday morning we had an incredible sunrise! I was making breakfast and my kitchen turned a bright pink so I ran out on the deck with my phone and snapped a pic!
Linking with SkyWatch Friday

The other night I was putting some towels away in the bathroom and noticed the lights reflecting on the door and thought it was pretty! Linking with Weekend Reflections

Old SW Roanoke has a lot of beautiful old houses...many have been converted into apartments or businesses. Linking with The Weekend in Black and White

Halfsies? On Thursday Braden had physical therapy so I was reading a Good Housekeeping mag while I waited and came across this...painting things half and half...the chair is ok but really, paint half a picture? Is it just me or does that look ridiculous? I had to double take because I didn't think the project was finished...took me a few minutes to realize it was haha...

Anyways that's my wrap up for the week! Have a great's a rainy one here!

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Signs 2 - House For Sale

624 Valley Rd . Troutville

I love this house! I drive by it every morning on my way to school. I noticed it listed for sale a while back and was surprised "who would leave this house?"...we aren't in the market so someone else can have this pretty old house...I have to say though that I just looked at all the pictures they have online of it, which you can see HERE and I have to tell you I'm a little disappointed on the inside. They did a ton of work on it in 2018 and from the looks of the pictures you can't even tell it's an old house on the inside..they took away all that old house charm and old house character and now it looks like every flip house you see on is beautiful inside but I feel like they took this home's personality away 🙁 In case you couldn't tell I'm a huge fan of old houses...the older the better to me!
Linking with Tom's Signs 2

Today I am thankful for the day staying just a little bit longer! It was after 5 and still sunny out...I know we have a ways to go before spring but I'll take every little sign I can find!
Linking with Michelle's Thankful Thursday

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Stratford Place

Mountain Pass Road . Blue Ridge

This isn't too far from my house and as I drive by I am confused by this subdivision Stratford Place. Unlike other subdivisions where you know you are entering and leaving, this one has a sign that just pops up along the road with a scattering of houses that might be in the subdivision or might not haha

"To become richer, earn more. To appear richer, move into a poorer neighborhood."

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Tuesday's Treasures - Claytor Memorial Clinic

413 Old Gainsboro Road NW . Roanoke

Built in art deco style in 1947 by Dr. John B. Claytor, one of Roanoke's most prominent African American Dr.'s.

I found a few interesting articles regarding this family and segregation back then and also historic preservation:
Why Care About Historic Preservation
A Century of Medical Services in the Roanoke Valley ,
Dr. Walter Claytor A Man With A Giving Heart , and
Looking Back At Key Black Leaders Who Helped Shape Roanoke

I know that's a lot of reading but I found it all interesting plus a reminder for me to go see more of the Gainsboro area.

Linking with Tom's Tuesday's Treasures and Our World Tuesday

Monday, January 20, 2020

Monday Murals - Dorothy Gillespie

The Old Grand Piano Building . 2nd and Church . Roanoke

I read somewhere that this was the first mural in Roanoke and installed in the 70's by Roanoke native Dorothy Gillespie. I also read that the owner of the building is thinking of removing the!

I found a recent article about Dorothy and there is an old Roanoke Times story featuring her and also an old picture of the was much brighter then of course! You can read that article Right Here

Linking with Monday Murals

Friday, January 17, 2020

Willy Nilly Friday 5/2020 #3

St. Andrews Roman Catholic Church
631 North Jefferson St . Roanoke

I'm super confused right now because I could have sworn I've blogged about this church before but I can't find it....hmmm

Anyway...isn't this a gorgeous old church? It's my favorite! It was built 1900-1902

Porches in Old South West

I like the blue color of that house peeking behind the pretty, orange tree!
Near Franklin in Old South West

This is Nelson... isn't he adorable? During the summer he needed to be fostered...he had heartworms and the rescue center needed to find him a foster parent to take care of him during his treatment... Ashlyn applied and she was able to foster Nelson! He's all healthy now and a couple of months ago she adopted him! He loves his new home and might remember she also has another dog named Riley...Riley and Nelson are so happy to have each other!

This is what Braden's knee looked like Monday at his Drs appt...just 3 days after surgery...the orange-y color is just from whatever they had put on his leg before surgery and the purple is from the marker they used...the Dr even signed his work "CJ" an artist...which he kind of is!

I'm linking up with Tom's Willy Nilly Friday 5 and SkyWatch Friday

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Consolidated Pipe & Supply

4830 Lee Hwy N . Troutville . Botetourt County

I think this is a pretty new location because I've never noticed it I was driving by I noticed the uniqueness of the sign and stopped to snap a pic for Tom's Signs 2
It was such a bright afternoon that I couldn't avoid that glare!

Today I am thankful that Braden is healing well! He had his first post op Drs appointment on Monday and they gave him some small exercises to start...he also started back to school on Wednesday, only going half days for the rest of the week...on Friday he starts physical therapy! He's chugging right along!

Linking with Michelle'sThankful Thursday

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Big White House


Walking around the Piedmont Art Center we spotted this monstrous house out back. We should have driven over to see the other side. Should have, could have, would have.

UPDATE: Ha! I just found this house in a real estate's for sale and can be yours! To check it out visit HERE

You can take a virtual tour or click through pictures...not really my style so I'm going to pass 😉

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Tuesday's Treasures - Martinsville Courthouse

1 East Main Street . Martinsville . 24112

This beautiful old courthouse was built in 1824 with additions added throughout the years. It is home to the MHC Historical Society and the Heritage Center and Museum....I'm a big dummy because I didn't know that until now....would have liked to go inside! Oh time!

I found this great link which shows slides of the courthouse and descriptions Click Here to view.

Linking up with Tom's Tuesday's Treasures and Our World

Monday, January 13, 2020

Monday Murals - Ready, Set, Go Healthy

14 West Main Street . Martinsville . 24112

Doesn't this mural make you wish for warmer days?! Although it has felt very much like spring here lately... I'm loving it!

Here's some info on the mural which I found at

Linking with Monday Murals

Update on Braden: he's doing well, very bored though! He's not in too much pain but I think the worst for him has been itching... tomorrow we go back and see his Dr and he's going to take the dressing off and see how he's healing!

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Weekend In Black & White - Got Heart?

A Yellow Jacket nest seen at Lowe's in Bonsack.

Yellow Jackets build nests from wood fiber they chew up into a paper-like pulp....that's pretty amazing isn't it?!

Linking up with The Weekend In Black and White

Friday, January 10, 2020

Willy Nilly Friday 5/2020 #2

Current situation... Braden tore his ACL during football. He is currently in surgery to have it repaired. This was him while checking in. I figured working on my Willy Nilly will help calm my's not really working haha...the surgery will take about 2 hours.

Ozzy checking out Tuesday's snow...he's not impressed.

Along Fayette St in Martinsville... Fayette Street has a rich African American history.

One last Christmas tree...Explore Park

A painting (along with a reflection) of an Appalachian Trail hiker on the window at Troutville Post Office symbolizing the many hikers we see each year.

Linking up with Tom's Willy Nilly Friday 5 and Weekend Reflections
and Weekend Roundup "B" for Braden, building and backpack....can you find anymore B's?

Have a great weekend!

*Update on Braden*
We are home now and he's resting! Surgery was a success! We go back and see his Dr on Monday to see how he's doing. He has about an 8 month recovery ahead of him!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Martinsville Hotel

Martinsville Hotel . 20 Fayette St . Martinsville

I couldn't find much on this other than it was built ca 1930 and last used as a gym which is now closed.

The "HOTEL" sign caught my eye!

I'm linking up with Tom's SIGNS

I haven't blogged in so long that I am only now finding out that Tom took this link party over!

Today I am thankful for a text from a great friend. We grew up together and although we live on separate coasts now she's still my bestie and hopefully coming out for a visit in the near future!

Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday

Have a great day 🙂

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Black & White Wednesday - Frosty

Rainbow Forest . Blue Ridge

"Some beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost."
Erol Ozan

Happy Wednesday 😊

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Tuesday's Treasures - The Little Post Office

207 Starling Ave . Martinsville . 24112

How cute is this little post office? It was built in 1893 and sits on the same property where the flying pig was that I showed you on Friday.
It wasn't open while we were there but you can rent it along with the grounds for weddings and parties!

Found this info on it at

Linking with Tom's Tuesday's Treasures

We got about an inch to 2 of snow this morning and school was cancelled! It has stopped snowing now but the winds have picked up...yuck!

Monday, January 6, 2020

Monday Murals - The Circus

New College Institute
30 Franklin Street . Martinsville . 24112

Loved this mural! Saw it driving by but didn't get a chance to get out so this is a drive by! Martinsville has a super neat historical downtown though so I must make it back!

I was just researching this mural and this is what I found! How interesting!

Found that HERE

Happy Monday! We might be getting a little snow tomorrow! Fingers crossed!

Linking up with Monday Murals

Friday, January 3, 2020

Willy Nilly Friday 5/2020 #1

Piedmont Art Garden . Martinsville . VA

Martinsville is home to Piedmont Art Gallery but they also have a little art garden on the corner for everyone to enjoy!

This display had so many details!

So much to see!

Anyone in for some Gospel music?

Look up! What's that? A Christmas pig!

Linking up with Tom's Willy Nilly Friday 5 and Weekend Roundup A for ART!
Have a great weekend 🙂