
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Rurality Blog Hop #7 - Fenwick Mines

Fenwick Mines, Craig County....iron mining site in the 19th century.
Was hoping to see more signs of spring on our walk here but didn't. That's Nick and the boys looking for salamanders.
Last night was the school talent show. It was really cute. Braden and Dalton performed "All I Do" with their good friend.

Linking with Madge's Rurality Blog Hop


  1. Fabulous! What good friends they must be.

  2. I want to go walk on that boardwalk! How pretty! LOVE the video! Did I tell you my nephew is named Dalton? Love that name!

  3. Greenfield does have talent! Fun video and charming photo.

  4. That was so cute the boys did.Wheich are your two singing? My Grandson is Braedon. I enjoyed the video.Did you put it on Yotube being a member or did the school do it?

    I enjoyed the bard walk also.

  5. Lovely and informative post ~ fun video and great photo for Rurality ^_^

  6. That reflection shot is lovely!
    The boys did a marvelous job! They looked very comfortable and confident up there in front of a crowd.

  7. The board walk looks very interesting with its view of the water. Good place for the Nick and the boys to look from.

  8. Oh, love that boardwalk! Beautiful place!

  9. I'm looking forward to more signs of spring, too!
    Loved the video!!! How cute are those boys?!

  10. well, blogger's freaking out.

    i love the curving boardwalk. your boys are cute!

  11. So sweet! I bet you heard them practice a lot:)) Back to photo, which is lovely, especially the way it leads your eye into the scene!

  12. Great job, boys!

    I wish we had more signs of spring here too...not too many. But the robins are back at least!

  13. You could use this shot for Watery Wednesday....I'm so jealous of that BLUE water!

  14. The boys did good, very impressive!

  15. Your boys did a great job in the talent show. The mine looks like a wonderful place to visit.

  16. Cute video, I hope they won a prize...they should have! And the boardwalk photo is awesome, I love the reflections in the water.

  17. Looks like a super walk. Oh my, they are sooooo good!

  18. Towards life as it can, as it should be.

  19. The boys were cute, great job!! :)
    I really like the raised boardwalk over the water!

  20. Looking for Salamanders sounds like a fun day to me! How cute they are! xx

  21. You will just have to return to the same place when spring really arrives. Then summer. Then fall. Then winter. And you will have a very nice tradition!

    Cute photo of the boys. They seem comfortable up there in the limelight.

  22. Great shot of the bridge/boardwalk.

    The boys are so cute and they sound good.

  23. As cold as it was yesterday, I still heard some tree frogs late in the day, they were probably frozen to the trees!

  24. Really pretty reflections at Fenwick mines, Tanya. But the boys stole the show. That was so cute. Loved the moon walk.

  25. Looking for salamanders, oh I haven't done that since my kids were about the age of yours, such fun! Thank you for joining in 'Rurality Blog Hop #6' Hope to see you next Wednesday for #7...


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