
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

City Daily Photo Theme Day - Photo of the Year

(click on photo to enlarge)

Wait, what? Another City Daily Theme Day, another year. Wow...Honestly I'm not a fan of how quickly time flies. As I sit here preparing my post for the theme day, it is almost 9:30 p.m. on New Year's Eve. Dalton is sitting in the same room as me playing XBox and randomly tells me he loves me. Nick is sitting in the other room with Braden, who has a stomach bug but is feeling a bit better. Ashlyn and her boyfriend are out to dinner together and hanging out and Christian is at his girlfriend Alyssa's house. I'm leaving shortly to pick him up. I told him I'd get him around midnight but Nick doesn't want me out driving past midnight with all the drunk people. He says NYE is amateur hour for drinkers. Those who don't usually drink, over drink. This NYE is so different than all those past. Usually it's a big party with just us, the kids and lots of fun and finger foods and drinks for both the kids and the adults. This year has been real low-key with the older 2 away. Not liking this. Not liking this at all.....

Anyway, back on track...the theme, just like every Jan 1 is "Photo of the Year". The photo I am showing is one of my favorites. I took it at the Pittsburgh Zoo and actually used it for another Theme Day, "Decay" which you can see RIGHT see other renditions of the theme, visit City Daily Photo ...and....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!


  1. I can see why you selected this photo. The colors and textures are fantastic. And it has both a realistic and an abstract feel to it. Happy New Year, Tanya !

  2. Great choce, great detail! Happy 2014!

  3. It was a quiet evening here, all that I could do to stay up as I lose sleep this time of year because I get up to fire the wood furnace so much. But anyway I made it and was probably in bed before all the confetti fell.
    Nice photo you took a bunch of nice ones last year.

  4. all those wrinkles. wow!! what a cutie. Happy New Year!!! ( :

  5. Such a tender moment !!! Happy New Year !!!

  6. That's a very special image Tanya and a brilliant choice. Best wishes for 2014 to yourself and family.

  7. what a great shot. hoping your group all had a good new year's eve.

  8. What a great shot! Funny how the skin on even the little ones is so wrinkled. Happy New Year!

  9. Lovely shot, the little one is so cute. Happy New Year!

  10. Really nice photo--I love the textures! Happy New Year to you and your family!! We had a quiet night at home, too.

  11. A beauty! Interestingly, my photo of the year also was from the "decay" theme - different takes!

    Best wishes for 2014.

  12. All the best to you this New Year, Tanya!

  13. like the elephant you seem to have your eye on the ball - happy new year

  14. I remember it, and it is a superb image!
    HaPpY NeW YeAr to you and yours.

    Greetings from Gunn in Stavanger / Norway.

  15. I agree with all these. Lovely picture. Hope you have a happy New Year.

  16. Very sweet! The little calf (is that what it's called?) almost has a meditative quality. The light and composition is very nice. Happy New Year!

  17. What a cute little elephant. Things change as we age. Some are good, some not. Happy New Year!

  18. Not much question about this photo, Tanya. It is wonderful.

    I know what you mean about the changes in your life. But, we don't get to live life backwards.

  19. What a great image! Have a wonderful 2014!

  20. Excellent photo and choice for theme!
    Wishing you and family a great 2014!!

  21. I find it hard to pick a best shot of the year. But I can definitely see why you like this one. So cute!!!

  22. Love the elephants, but pondering if I'd have the nerve to walk the swinging bridge!

    Happy New Year. Here's to another great year of photoblogging.

    Janis & David

  23. Elephants are my FAVORITE animals; they have such loyalty toward one another. A terrific shot!

  24. That is just such a fantastic shot. Lovely choice. Happy New Year to you too :).

  25. So a cute image, Tanya!
    I wish you all the Best in 2014 !

  26. This is such a great photo! I really like elephants. I hope you have a wonderful new year :)

  27. Elephants are such intelligent and interesting creatures. I like the sharpness and clarity of this shot. Well done!

  28. Wonderful choice. I'm always fascinated by elephants, and this shot serves the species well.


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