
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Dog Walking or Dognapping?

click on photos to enlarge
Pearisburg...some of you might recognize the location with the plaque on the wall from my post HERE

More snow on the way for us tonight. They are calling for 2-4 inches but say it could be more ha...I say bring it! Although I have to take my vehicle in to be serviced shortly. Hope I will have it back before the snow starts!

Sorry I've been scarce...I WILL visit!!


  1. Oh NO! Last night, I heard less then an inch starting in the morning. We have three important appointments tomorrow. Now I am taping all the weather shows! YES, this looks like a dog napper for sure. Why no leash? And he is looking all around. So suspicious! OR, he could have found it on the street, or he could have just bought him at a nearby pet store...NAH, I am going with dog napping.

  2. he does look a bit sneaky in his 'carry-off'. ;)

    we had several inches of snow in texas today.

  3. I don't want any more snow, I have appts. to go to!

  4. Definitely an indulged little doggy!

  5. The dog's thinking, "I'm a very lucky puppy, Daddy carries me home, and by the way, do you have any milkbones?"

  6. We got another 2-3 inches of snow last night, but that's fine. We need the moisture. Enjoyed your dog carrying photos. They look warm.

  7. The long walk must have made him tired.

  8. Cute shots! Good luck with the snow. We are only supposed to get an inch here.

  9. This guy does look a little suspicious! We're supposed to get some snow tonight, too. We're all about done with winter now, hurry spring!

  10. More and more people tend to carry their dogs these days, my friend had her dog 'dogknapped' last week... fortunately she got him back pretty quickly!

  11. did you have any snow? we are having lots this AM. so wild. what will we have next? ( :

  12. Safe driving. There was a 75 car pile up in whiteout conditions yesterday on the Maine Interstate. Not good.

  13. It does look like you have captured a dognapping in progress!

  14. Love, Love, Love this Post!!!! (happy pup to know it's loved)


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