
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Abandoned Main Street IV

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This was the closest I could get the boys to this building. They said this was the creepiest one. I said it was actually my favorite. Just something about it.
This is the backside...
And a bit of a fence and sign...anyone able to make that out?
Pamplin City, Appomattox County

This is the 3rd building, going in order from Monday's post. Of course there was only a 20% chance of storms...and it had to start raining when we got there. Lots of the pictures look sunny but it was still raining.

Linking with Signs, Signs & Good Fences


  1. Really is a fascinating place, I wonder if any homeless people sleep in any of the buildings?

  2. oh, it's my favorite, too! love the rust! thanks for the touch of fence, too!

  3. I love the rusty old roof, the place looks like it may fall down soon. I agree with the boys! Great fence find, enjoy your day!

  4. In one of our city 'weeklies', a gal highlites buildings like this. She does a history of it and calls the owner for info about why. She calls it "That's My Dump".

  5. A bit of an ominous looking place, I think!

  6. "...the closest I could get the boys to this building." lol Too many horror movies?

  7. Love your abandoned buildings! Those boys are really growing up! What intrigued me was the sign...the person didn't write ON the building but wanted his "Kilroy" left..."WillieWasHere65" Loved it!

  8. Those are some rustic buildings. Wow! Great finds.

  9. I am with the boys, not a place I would want to go into. It would be so nice if it could be repaired.

  10. Oh gosh, this poor place just gets worse and worse! I saved the sign, then blew it up in Photo Gallery. I could swear the last word is HOTEL.

  11. Wow! That would be a pretty good backdrop for a horror flick. ;-)

  12. Wow! I hadn't seen the other posts on this abandoned place but man is it ever cool. I don't find it creepy at all. It's quite fascinating.

  13. I'd love to be able to explore inside them. A few years ago there was an old building in Terrell that had a second floor that was closed off for decades. Turns out it was full of old school band and sports uniforms from the 50s. They had a big sale and sold everything. This was before I started taking photos and got an interest in local sports. Just my luck. Love these pictures.

  14. Too funny, that one is my favorite too! The structures were really built to stand the test of time, too bad people gave up on it.

  15. I really like seeing that tin roof. Reminds me of my grandmother's old house when I was growing up. Nothing like hearing the rain hitting it at night to lull you to sleep!

  16. I love the tin roof...they don't seem creepy at all to me.

  17. Keep us posted on any progress. My curiosity is peeved. Looks like a lot of hard and expensive work to bring these buildings back but they would be beautiful.

  18. I love all of those rusty details!

  19. That would make a nice little art community.

  20. Creepy and cool too. :) Lovely old buildings.
    Have a wonderful weekend!


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