
Thursday, June 15, 2017

Gill Memorial Building

click on photo to enlarge
RAMP Regional Accelerator . 709 South Jefferson Street . Roanoke . 24016

Originally this old building, the Gill Memorial Hospital, was the Commonwealth's first specialty hostpital founded in 1926 by Dr. Elbeyrne Gill. Now it is home to RAMP...for more history on the old building CLICK HERE

This photo was taken a couple of weeks ago while we were checking out a festival.

Today I am thankful for swimming pools and night swims...last night after dinner Braden and I took a long swim. The pool has finally heated up to 80+ which is how I like it! I had forgotten how good you sleep after a good swim! Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday

Keep cool!


  1. Hello, I like the color and design of the Memorial Building. I would be thankful for a good nights sleep. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend ahead!

  2. That is a fine looking building with a classic look. Is that Georgian style?

  3. Wow, green isn't my favorite color but I really like this building!

  4. Now that green paint work really makes this beautiful building pop!

  5. It's a fine-looking structure but I thought you were going to say that Vince Gill lives there!

  6. Do you have your own pool? This building is SO pretty! And I think most of that is because of the wonderful paint. What a tiny hospital it would have been! But I guess there were not as many people back then.

  7. The building is quite pretty. I need to get my butt in the pool....night swimming IS really relaxing isn't it?? I too like my pool like I like my bathtub; warm!


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