
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Old Car & Photo Shoot

click on photo to enlarge
Downtown Roanoke

There's just something about old cars...
that draw guys in...

Linking up with Tom's Tuesday's Treasures
a little late this week! Ashlyn and I worked the polls for the Virginia Primary yesterday...long day! Fun though...the people we work with are just so nice and fun to be around...and the voters are always friendly...and I didn't know that Meryl Streep's twin sister lives right here in Botetourt County...she came in to vote...seriously, this woman looked exactly like Meryl Streep! I told her so and she said that wasn't the first time she's heard that!

Happy Wednesday :)


  1. ...I know many a gal who love old cars too. That old Ford sure is sweet. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. What a neat photo shoot! Maybe everyone does have a twin? Lol

  3. Nothing like a 1930-31 Model A sedan to bring people together. Looks like an original condition car in good running order. The people look good also.

  4. I like to see old cars on display. That is a great looking car. Have a beautiful day!

  5. That's a great old car and I like your photos, too, especially with those "old" guys in the 2nd shot! :)

  6. Awesome car! It could use just a wee bit of paint and polish. My best friend works the polls, it is a long day. How fun seeing the Meryl lookalike!

  7. I love old cars! This one is fabulous.Nice shots.

  8. In my previous neighborhood there were a few always working on their antique car - it gave a special atmosphere to the neighborhood:)

  9. Lovely shots, Tanya !
    The old car is fabulous !

  10. How great to find this gem and get photos!

  11. A nice old car and a lovely family... and a great job you have there...
    Enjoy your weekend


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)