
Monday, January 1, 2018

City Daily Photo Theme Day - Photo(s) of the Year

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WOWZERS! 2018?!! When I went back through my year in pictures trying to decide what to pick out, it's amazing to me how these just seem like yesterday really...I remember both days really well...I didn't figure out what to post according to "popularity" and just went off what I liked and the memory attached....I settled on 2 pictures, same month, same subject, TREES (I love trees!) so here we go!
I can still feel the anxiety just looking at this picture...I was so out of my comfort zone...on the Blue Ridge Parkway by myself...I don't mind driving by myself mind you but I was uncomfortable getting in and out of my vehicle to snap pictures when basically I was the only person on the mountain, plus all this fog...I got more nervous the higher I climbed...anyways, I do love the moodiness of the fog and bare trees! You can see my original post HERE from January 23rd!

2) The Tree of Life

On this morning the boys had a track meet in we drove past this tree I just knew I had to turn around and take a picture of it. Madge Bloom from The View From Right Here even sketched a picture of it...I don't know if she posted it on her blog but it was on her Instagram...she did an amazing job! You can see the original post of this tree from January 16 RIGHT HERE ... the boys are back in track again this year and more meets are scheduled in that location so I'll be sure to get a current picture soon!

So, how was your New Year? Any resolutions? I feel like there are just so many possibilities at the start of the New Year...why can't we feel like that every day? Or maybe you do? It has been FREEZING here in SW Virginia...for days...I can't take it anymore haha...I want to get out and do something...we've been housebound basically since it is so cold...and no end in sight...SOS!!!

Happy New Year friends! Here's to a healthy and happy 2018!

To see more entries on the today's Theme Day visit City Daily Photo



  1. Of course I love that foggy tree shot. I've been known to take a few myself.

  2. ...I'll trade my 'freezing' for yours!

  3. The "tree of life" is a favorite image of mine. I love your trees! Best wishes for a great 2018!

  4. Trees are always a favorite subject of mine, especially bare, leafless trees. Both are good choices. Happy shooting for 2018.

  5. Happy New Year! Both great photos, love the moodiness of the foggy photo.

  6. Wonderful tree pics and memories for you too!

  7. May this New Year be special in every way… bringing you the gift of love and excitement.
    (01/01)From Japan to friends all over the world; Happy New Year! ! @Sakamoto2Ryouma

  8. That is an excellent shot. I can imagine how scary driving in the fog in the mountains is. Well, I've been there, done that. I recall driving home from Tennessee one summer and we went over the Blue Ridge wasn't that bad, but I had never driven the road before and that adds a bit of fearsomeness to things. At least this road was somewhat familiar to you. Great choice for the theme. And I wish you and your delightful family a wonderful New Year!

  9. Your trees are so beautiful. With no leaves, you can really see the entire structure of trees. Oh MY, I will never go on the mountain in the fog. It scares me so much! You cannot see any of the other cars when it is thick, despite those fog lights. So you are BRAVE! And the resulting picture is moody, silent, still, and wonderful. You can feel the quiet in the fog.

  10. Your appreciation of trees reminds me of the one that Stefan periodically posts during the different seasons. You chose two beautiful silhouettes, esp the fog wrapped tree. Glad you conquered your unease to photographic it. May the new year bring you and your family good health and much happiness.

  11. This has to be one of my favourite posts for the theme Tanya, I love trees also and you have captured two beauties here. Love both shots but really loooooove the first image, enhanced by your description of the taking the shot! Here's wishing yourself and family health and happiness for 2018 🎆🎇🎊🎈🎉

  12. Those are gorgeous! I love bare tree silhouettes!


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