More grey skies for my skywatch photo this week. Yesterday I went to Lynchburg with Braden and Dalton's class to
Amazement Square. What a fun time we all had! This was taken outside, getting ready to board the bus to go home. Can you see my two little guys? Hint, they are wearing blue shirts,lol.
This morning, Christian's bus was involved in yet another accident. Can you believe it? He was just about to board the bus when all of a sudden, it lurched forward. A young girl slammed into the back of it. What gets me is that the bus puts her lights on way before she even stops, this should catch people's attention, yet it doesn't. None of the kids were hurt thank goodness, but my goodness people, slow down and pay attention. This also happens to fall on the 6 year anniversary of the death of a sweet little boy that rode my kids bus in Missouri. He was hit and killed while crossing the road to get on his school bus. The bus's stop arm was out, but the girl driving didn't even slow down when she ran right through it and hit him. My thoughts and prayers are with this family today, as always.
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