The other day I drove out to Christian's girlfriend's house to pick her up after school so she could come to Christian's baseball game. We got there a little early. Here I am, sitting in her driveway, waiting...of course I have a camera! I noticed this house across the street while parked in her drive-way. I'm thinking...some sweet little old couple live here. This was their first house they ever bought. You know, grandparents are that way. More stable than we are today. They worked hard, saved to buy a house and start a family and never left. That's what people used to do.
My generation, we get transferred to different areas for work. That's what happened with us. Well, let me give you a little back-story for those that don't know. My husband and I were born and raised in San Diego, Ca. He enlisted in the Marine Corps right out of high school. We never got far. Wanting to see new things after he got out, we moved to the area of Springfield, Mo, after having 2 children (Ashlyn and Christian) and wanting to raise them in a smaller community. Nick has family in Missouri so we wound up there. Job transfers moved us to Georgia and now here, Botetourt County, VA! I wouldn't change a single thing. But then there is something to be said about the way things used to be. A husband and wife marrying, saving their money, buying their "dream home" and raising a family in the same home, retiring in the same home and having grand-kids come visit in that same home. That's what I think of when I see little houses like this.
A couple of minutes later, Christian's girlfriend arrived and we headed home. Oh, and he won his game :)
Linking with Friday Fences
It's Memorial Day weekend here in the USofA. Some say this is the official start of summer. Memorial Day (Monday) is actually a holiday to remember those who gave their lives for our freedoms. I get annoyed with people who confuse this with Veteran's Day in Sept or link the 2 together.
Have a great weekend! I'll have a surprise for you on Tuesday! Sneaky, I know ;)
I'm older than you....almost 58....and my great grandmother and my grandmother (both paternal and maternal) lived side by side with at least one of their kids. My paternal great grandmother had one daughter beside her and another daughter two doors down....and my grandmother lived in the same town. My maternal great grandmother had her daughter living beside her, then a son in the same town....and they stayed until they died. My mom and dad stayed in the same town, so when we went to church, practically everyone was related to me. I miss that. My brother was the first generation to move out of town to go to college...that was in the 70's. He never returned here to live. I think it should be a law that family sticks together. Our big huge family Christmases were wonderful back in the 60's. And it wasn't because of gifts...it was because of the great fun we had with all our cousins and aunts and uncles. America lost a lot when families started splitting up. I personally think that is what is wrong with our society these days. You don't have those people who love you to fall back on and depend on....knowing they will always be there for you. It was a wonderful way of life.
ReplyDeleteThat's a great little house. My grandparents lived in the same house practically all their lives. It was the family homestead and the place for all of our big family gatherings. I sure miss it.
ReplyDeleteI love your story about the cute little house. I can relate to your story, as we've moved a few times. I grew up in Kansas, but my family moved to Massachusetts while I was in high school. From there to RI to Illinois and back to Mass. My husbands siblings are all scattered, too. I've loved our moves, but sometimes I wish we were all close and could do Sunday dinners...
ReplyDeleteCute little fenced-in yard too. Yes, the times sure have changed since that house was built but it's far easier to travel and keep in touch than it was back then too. :) Happy Memorial Day weekend, Tanya!
ReplyDeleteThe lure of better jobs and more money, great colleges as well as the sprawl of suburbs called many of us away from small town America. It was called 'opportunity'. I for one am glad I left that life as well as the close minded attitudes of the small town behind me in the 70's. You either fit in and did things their way or you got the hell out. I grew up in one of those tiny houses where neighbors knew neighbors, but our extended family still all lived nearly an hour away. We would drive and visit them for Sunday dinners. Small towns are great for raising small children, but trust me... once they grow up they require more mental stimulation; many of them anyway :) The others stay home and make babies, and I'm not saying that's a bad thing, it's just how things go.
ReplyDeleteI know people, Tanya, that have never even been out of the county they grew up in. Or moved even once. Just look at the adventures they missed. I wouldn't take our Navy days for anything... and I have great memories (and some not so great) of every place we lived.
ReplyDeleteWhile I love being able to put down roots...I also loved being able to experience living in Md.,Fl,Co. and now Pa. Now that we are seniors we will stay put. The younger generation have much more wonder lust then I did.
ReplyDeletei'm one of those 'mover-awayers' who left family and legacy behind. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteWe are the couple you speak of - marrying, saving and buying our house, and living in it for 36 years, and raising our family here. We just don't have a fence. I enjoyed your story. Blessings, Pamela
ReplyDeleteLovely cottage sitting in such pretty scenery.
Nice house, picturesque surroundings:) Greetings
ReplyDeleteI can relate to your story very well. My grandparents lived in a small farm house. Nothing as nice as this. They had a chain link fence, and I have the dog ornaments from it on my fence gate.
ReplyDeleteI think you've moved around about as much as we have. In many ways it's amazing. Betsy and I are grandparents and we have children in four different states. We don't get to see grandchildren very often.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful home, enjoy the holiday weekend!
ReplyDeleteLovely little house with a lovely fence.
ReplyDeleteWe stayed put in our IN hometown and did Sunday lunches until our three children were born. Then we moved to TN, SC, AL,and back to TN. Although I miss having the roots of staying put, I wouldn't trade all the experiences and people we've met over the years.
ReplyDeleteHappy Memorial Day!
Your experiences of moving probably made you a stronger person! Cute photo.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute house.
ReplyDeleteI make up stories about houses too... I agree this looks like a grandpa/grandma house... love it's simplicity! Thank you for joining in 'Rurality Blog Hop #15' Hope to see you next Wednesday for #16...
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your post! My hubby and I have never left the county we were born in. We may have changed addresses a few times, but never more than 10-12 miles from each one.
ReplyDeleteI love that little house! I think it would be very cool to live in the same house for years and years. Being raised a military brat, we moved a lot. Hosestly, I hope to never move again! ;)
ReplyDeleteHappy Memorial Day weekend to you guys!
Wonderful ruminations on the house! It's so true, there's something to be said about staying in one place...though I totally relate to that more "nomadic" lifestyle (all because of work too:) and I wouldn't change a thing either. BTW, my significant other is now in San Diego for a conference, he likes it there:)
ReplyDeleteAlways love hearing about your travels. Sweet little house and sentiments. You have a good weekend too.
ReplyDeleteHighly energetic blog, I liked that a lot.
ReplyDeleteWill there be a part 2?
my website; http://theushealth.com/user/view/profile/login/tedmkhlnm