
Friday, December 18, 2015

Willy Nilly Friday 5 No. 65

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For this Willy Nilly 5 I'm taking you inside the Bedford Museum:
Visit their website HERE

Lacey Putney
This made me think of Ashlyn. She loves politics for some reason unbeknownst to me. She is majoring in Political Science at JMU and has just accepted an internship in the General Assembly in Richmond. This is her 2nd internship this school year.

I can get lost in these old photographs....

"Susie G. Gibson High School opened in 1954. It was the first new high school for Blacks in Bedford County, VA replacing the Bedford Training School." ...Taken from their Facebook Page

"Love is Eternal"

My dad was retired Navy...he bought me a new doll everytime he was over-seas...which was most of my childhood. I had shelves of dolls from all over the world lined up on my bedroom mom managed to save a few but they are in poor shape...I sure wish I had thought to pack them up when I moved out of the house....

Now it is your turn! Post 5 randoms and link back! Visit others, have fun and thanks for playing! Have a great weekend!!


  1. Interesting post. It occurs to me, I know so little about US history...
    Sad, that most of us lost our dolls during thi life, I had a few from Poland and Russia, Slovakia and were my dad was to studies -
    Have a great Christmas

  2. I love a museum and folk/regional museums are some of the most intimate!

  3. Looks like a great museum! I miss some of my childhood dolls and wish they had been kept! Your world collection must have been awesome to see! Have a great Christmas, Tanya!

  4. That's great. As a recovering engineer, I love to learn about national and local history. This looks like a wonderful museum. I hope to visit one day on our trips back to VA.

  5. I would enjoy looking around this museum.

  6. I'll bet your doll collection would make some interesting pictures.

  7. have done it. I have issued the ultimatum that we ARE going to make the jaunt across the mountain. I really want to go to this museum. I have been to the memorial, but there is so much to see in the city as you have shared with us. Happy Saturday.


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)