
Saturday, April 26, 2008

On The Road Again

Pulling out of our subdivision. This is the road that takes me to town. The county just repaved the road. It's a much smoother drive!


  1. The trees look wonderful, and I bet the road is easy on the car now. It looks nice also.

  2. That road could anywhere except for those mailboxes. I suppose it easier for the mailman not having to deliver to the door but I've always wondered how secure they are and what happens if a package is too big fit.

  3. Looks like a nice smooth road.

  4. Hyde, if the package is too big, our mail carrier just leaves it at the door. I've never had a problem with anything stolen :)

  5. Having just been out in the country on wome dirt roads I know what you mean, makes a big difference although sometimes there are locals who stand against changing the road - more tourists and retaining the natural appearance. We are not against taking the road less travelled to get to a remote town to take a short cut and see the wild life etc - like lorikettes!


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