The other day I found this cute little baby
Snapping Turtle. He was just sitting there in the dirt and I barely saw him as I was walking by. I picked him up and brought him in to show the kids. We made him a temporary home in the fishbowl so we could observe him for a couple of days before releasing him into the pond.
I was trying to do my post on Thursday when my computer just totally went out. I don't know what happened to it but I tried everything I could think of to get it back before finally having to resort to a system restore, which worked, but I lost all my info and stored pictures. Oh well. I've got to get better at getting my pictures put on disks. I also of course lost all my bookmarks and when googling my blog "Around Roanoke" discovered someone else has stolen my identity! Yes, someone just started a new website titled "Around Roanoke"...hmmmm, oh well, it looks interesting though, but really, Around Roanoke?
I also have been wanting to publicly thank Di over at
Blue Ridge Gal. Last Sunday, after hearing about our sad loss of Daisy, she stopped by our house bearing 2 bouquets of flowers. One for Daisy's grave and the other to keep in the house. She is a sweet, SWEET lady! Thank you again Di, we all appreciated it, really.
And I also want to thank all of you for your kind comments about Daisy. It truly means a lot to me.
I also was tagged by Pak over at
Chorzow Daily Photo a little while back and am finally getting around to playing along! Thanks Pak :)
Here's the rules:
The rules are simple: Tag and link back to the person who tagged you. List six (un) important things that make you happy. Tag six bloggers and let them know they're "it".
My list of 6 things that make me happy :)
1) A quiet house in the morning before the kids wake up :)
2) A warm spring day like today :)
3) Getting comments from my blogging buddies :)
4) Visiting my blogging buddies from all over the world, thanks to the City Daily Photo group :)
5) Watching my boys' baseball games on a nice warm evening :)
6) Having a nice, clean house (this doesn't happen often enough,lol) :)
And now I'm tagging:
1) Di from
Blue Ridge Gal2) Marley from
Cheltenham Daily Photo3) Lois from
Tallahassee Daily Photo4) Trish from
Bluff Area Daily Photo5) BrattCat from
Battleboro Daily Photo6) Nancy from
San Diego Daily Photo (my hometown!)
If you have a minute, stop over and visit my friends whom I have tagged!
Have a great Memorial weekend :)