
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rural Thursday - Blog Hop # 11

On Saturday morning we drove up to Schuyler, Va to visit Walton's Mountain Museum. Did you know the actual family "The Waltons" is fictional, based on the real family, The Hamners? Earl Hamner, aka: John Boy wrote a book based on his childhood, which was then made into the tv show, The Waltons. It wasn't as simple as that but that is the cliff note version.

We took a tour of the museum which I linked above which is NOT part of the house tour. The tour we took is housed in his old elementary school (and that was pretty neat!) with rooms set up like different rooms of the house from the show. The museum and owner of the house should get together and combine the tour as we were a bit confused and after paying for the museum tour we felt we didn't really need to pay to see the inside of the house now too so I just snapped a photo of it from the outside and we left and picked up some lunch! It is pretty though isn't it?!

You can read about the house here and see some pictures of what the inside looks like. I'll show more pictures from the inside of the museum in the upcoming days, aren't you excited?! haha

And it's Thursday so of course I'm linking up with Rural Thursday Blog Hop! Come along!


  1. You tilt the photo so the coffee can pour out or is the building tilted?

    1. hmmmm, i'm not sure i'm understanding what you are asking me but no, the building my photo?!

  2. I didn't know there was a real Walton family. I remember watching the show when I was a kid. Your photo is beautiful, Tanya!

  3. Interesting info!

    I like The Waltons series, and still watch it once in a while when it's showed on TV.

    1. i watched when i was little and never would have guessed that i'd live so close to it later in life when we watch it it's pretty neat to hear them talk about areas we know now!

  4. How interesting. I have never been there. How far is it?

    1. well dang, i wrote out a long reply and don't know where it went! anyways, it was about a 2 hour drive for us, near charlottesville and you should definitely go! it's a teeny tiny town so pack a lunch because there isn't any place to eat unless you eat at godsey's store which is mainly high priced fried chicken (priced for tourists i guess) or else you have to run back out to the nearest town which is about a half hour away. we left and went and got bbq and picnicked at this really pretty park!

  5. that would be a neat tour. I grew up watching that show with my grandma.

  6. it really is a beautiful shot. :)

  7. Great photo! I watch the Walton's almost every day. We all could learn something from them. That place is going on my bucket list.

    1. i know, they just don't write tv shows like they used to!

  8. Nice yard and home. I like that touch of pink in the tree too.

    1. it's such a pretty setting isn't it? i want to move in!

  9. You know Tanya, I think I knew that The Waltons was based on Hamner's life, but you reminded me of that fact. Loved that show and it would be very cool to tour the home. Beautiful capture!

    1. thanks nancy and also thank you for the info on the buttons! i'll check that out later :)

  10. Interesting info about Walton's and great photo...

    we lived in Floyd for years, wife worked in Roanoke (lewis-Gale) and still have a home there

    1. such a small world isn't it?! floyd county is beautiful..we went there one day last summer to see mabry mill :)

  11. I loved watching the Waltons and have wanted to visit this place for a long time. Thanks for sharing this.

    1. we only recently realized it was so close to us!

  12. I could camp out here for a while. Very nice.

  13. Yes, it's beautiful, esp w/ all the spring blooms! You might think I'm silly, but I have the theme song on one of my playlists at the bottom of my blog! heheheee I just love the tune! =)

  14. PS Thanks for suggesting that Mike at Mike's Cove swing by Barn Charm... much appreciated! =)

  15. How interesting..I would love to visit there sometime!

  16. Did not know that!! Must tell my mother! She loves the Waltons! Thanks for sharing!

  17. Beautiful photo, I could definitely live there! :)
    Yeah, the museum and owner of the home should get together and make a combined tour but there's probably some long-standing feud...

  18. What a beautiful museum... I love all the trees.

    I miss good clean shows like the Waltons and I did know the series was based on a real family.

  19. That is beautiful, and all the trees make is so welcoming! Thanks for sharing :)

  20. What a lovely shot!
    I loved watching The Waltons and still catch it on cable sometimes. Can't say the house is portrayed in quite the same way. :)

  21. I watched the Waltons for years. I would have loved to have seen this. My favorite part was always at the end when they would say goodnight : )

  22. You can't get more rural that Walton Land. The house is beautiful, and yes, I am looking forward to seeing the pictures.

  23. This would be a fun place to visit, I can hear it now, Good night John Boy, Good night Tanya, Good night Ozzy!

  24. Very nice shot!
    Thanks for sharing. And thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment;o)

    Hope you are having a fabulous week****

  25. I've driven by there so many times and thought I really should stop...someday. Will be fun to see your pictures.

  26. Such a pretty house! I love that show and still watch reruns if my husband isn't around... he doesn't like the show, says it's corny... oh well.

  27. Oh this is absolutely gorgeous! (But is that a Christmas wreath? Nah, it can't be, can it?!)

  28. I always liked that show...didn't know all that trivia though! Looks like a very fun way to spend the day. The photo is lovely...I can smell the blooms!

  29. What a beautiful capture and interesting history to go with it. 'Can't wait to see the rest!


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