
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Barn Charm Tuesday

Today's barn comes all the way from West Virginia. I didn't actually take this photo, a relative of this barn sent it to us. We were at the Salem Red Sox game on Friday night and there was this nice little family sitting behind us. They were on vacation from West Virginia and had stopped over to take their little boy to the Red Sox game before heading back home. Well, as we were chatting with this couple, for some reason the subject of barns came up and Misti was telling us about her Uncle's barn which sits on the property adjoining theirs. She said that after 9/11, her cousin, if I remember correctly, painted a big US Flag on the top of the barn and it was even featured on the cover of Country Living magazine! Nick asked her if she would send a picture to me so I could use it for my blog and she had one on her phone and sent it right to my husband's phone! I just sent her a message on Facebook to let her know I'm using it today. I did do a little Google search and found this on it, which also has a good picture of the flag on the barn. Pretty cool huh?!

To see more barns from all over the world, visit Barn Charm!


  1. That's a gorgeous view and a great barn! Awesome that it was on the cover of Country Living!

  2. That's a great setting for a barn. The flag must have been a great sight, especially during that time.

  3. what beautiful area. i love west va. great state. we camp there often. a nice weekend getaway. (:

  4. Lovely shades of green and touches of red. I like this barn photo a LOT. How nice of the owner to send it to you.

  5. Oh, what a story and what an image, Tanya. I don't usually go for rote shows of patriotism, but this is just inspiring. Even without the flag I thought "location, location, location" when I opened your post but that flag. Hope it's in the flight path so that many people can see it from the sky.

  6. Very interesting...I love that pond there by the barn!!

  7. That's a wonderful story Tanya. Always makes our day when we meet nice people while out and about. Lovely picture of the barn and great to see it in your link. Thank you so much.

  8. What a wonderful story. I'm so glad she shared the barn with you and you shared it with us. I went to the website of the article of the barn and what a beautiful photo with the flag and the reflection in the water!

  9. Wow! what a terrific story. Isn't cool how barns help us get to know others?!
    This is a great barn and the photo is wonderful. But I followed your link and that photo is incredibly awesome--esp. with the reflection in the water! So glad you shared!

  10. I love the story too, thanks for sharing & love both this beautiful pic and the linked photo!

  11. this shot and the one on the link are both GORGEOUS! how nice of them to share!

  12. Well, I guess ya' just never know where you will "find" a charming barn! How neat that they shared! Thanks for the link with the flag too! :)

  13. Beautiful barn in a beautiful setting with an interesting history. What more could one want? Thanks for posting. BTW, hope your Red Sox are doing better than our Red Sox.

  14. Very nice to see the barn as part of the overall scene.

  15. It's a beautiful barn and such a pretty setting. I checked out the link and really like the picture with the flag too.

  16. This one definitely has "barn charm"...I tried to find the barn with a flag om the roof but was not successful.

  17. I wonder what month this was taken? So green and lush. Lovely, Tanya. Thank you for posting and I love the background of how the photo was obtained. xo

  18. chatting it up, being friendly (i think we all are) sure does help us in our quest to find great barns!! this is a wonderful story and a charming barn. the landscape is gorgeous!!

    i clicked thru to the other photo, WoW, really special, loved the reflection!!

  19. Hoe neat, Tanya, that you met someone who shared this remarkable barn with you so you could share it with the rest of us! The photo with the flag on the roof is really great too! Isn't life full of wonderful little surprises! It's a great barn!

    By the way, I had no idea the wall I posted last week was called a Santa Fe wall. Thanks for telling me that!


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