Sigh....another snow day. This is what I woke up to. At least I woke up with power though, unlike some of my neighbors not too far down the road. It started last night. The boys had a basketball game. A tournament. We lost the first one by 3 points. It was a rough game with a lot of screaming and yelling going on from the other team's coaches and parents. Some of the parents were even yelling at their boys to "hurt them". Can you believe that? These are 3rd, 4th and 5th graders. Not the NBA. It was a Blue Ridge team. I've seen them act that way during baseball too, same loud coach, same obnoxious parents. We are more refined. I like that. Anywho...since we lost the first game, we had to play again right after. Another team. We ended up winning by about 15 points. Our boys were on fire! By the time we left the boys' school, it had started snowing. I didn't think it was supposed to start until the middle of the night. I had planned a trip to Kroger after the game to pick up munchies for the kids to enjoy on their snow day. Started out of the parking lot, made a left instead of the right I usually take to go home. Drove about a mile down the road and decided to turn around and head back home. Snacks weren't worth risking our lives for since the snow was really coming down and you couldn't even see the center divider of the road or the sides of the road. Snow brings out my inner Southern California girl because we DO NOT know how to drive in this stuff.
Ashlyn was scheduled to work till 11 last night. I texted her and told her the roads were bad. She shouldn't try to drive home but get a bed at work and just sleep over. The hospital lets them do that. She hates to though. Had to once already this winter. She told me there wasn't any snow there. She works in Roanoke and we live in Botetourt County which is about 30 minutes from her job. She didn't listen. I had a feeling she wouldn't. She's stubborn that way. She tried to get home but the closer she got, the worse the interstate was and she started to get scared. She ended up going to a friend's house that lives near there and stayed the night. She called me when she got there and told me how scary it was. I was so relieved to know she was safe for the night and a little bit happy she had that scare of the snow covered roads that maybe next time she'll listen. You know, she's young....
Well, checking the weather forecast, it says it may snow throughout the day. We received about 3 inches overnight and could get another 1-3 today. Then winds. Heavy winds. BUT....they say it will warm up into the 40's tomorrow and Friday then the 50's over the weekend. Finally a warm-ish weekend!
Wondering if tomorrow will be a snow day too. Botetourt is pretty big and spread out, lots of rural back roads that won't get plowed making it impossible for the school buses. Fingers crossed...love spending snow days with my kidlets :)
Linking up with Madge at