
Thursday, January 10, 2019

GE Closing

SW Roanoke

I took this picture back in December. Notice all the snow still left from our record breaking amount we received a few days earlier?!

A few of these signs were placed around Roanoke and Salem by the Union. You can read about that HERE

Today I am thankful for my own job! I enjoy working at the high school and started there when Ashlyn started 9th grade and saw her and Christian come through and now Braden and Dalton who are already in 11th grade! I work with a great bunch of people and all the kids are fun to be around!

Linking with Signs,signs and Michelle's Thankful Thursday

Have a great day!


  1. My Dad was a GE executive, so it is sad to see the company failing so badly, but this photo clearly documents our changing times.

  2. Sad to see businesses failing. I am not sure where we as a country are headed.

  3. thankful that you didn't work for GE, count your blessings.

  4. A sad sign.
    I enjoyed 22 years working in a college library - a fun job, but I am happy to be retired now.

  5. Very sad, But thankfully you have a good job!

  6. Always great to work at a place you enjoy. Thanks for linking up today.

  7. Its a blessing that you have a job that you enjoy and surrounded with a bunch of people that are fun to be with. Happy weekend!


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)