
Thursday, June 17, 2021

Vinton History Museum


210 East Jackson Ave . Vinton

Yesterday Nick and I were going to Vinton for lunch at our favorite Mexican place and I suggested we stop and check out the history museum first since we haven’t ever been to it.  What a cute house it is in!  I could definitely live in this house!

The kitchen was my favorite room…

Look at all these old cameras:

These are the Uptons:

And this used to be their house.

Linking with Tom’s Signs 2

Today I am thankful for this guy:

…actually every day I am thankful for him!! My Ozzy is getting up there in age, (some of you might even remember when we got him) so every day I get with him is a gift!

(This picture was taken a few hours ago…he was waiting for Ashlyn to come over!)

Linking with Michelle’s Thankful Thursday


  1. I love the kitchen too. I would love to tour the whole house. And just look at the gorgeous sky in the first photo.

  2. Some of those items look familiar from my childhood. They were already out of style but grandmothers held on to them.

  3. Ozzy is watching for someone. Cool museum, I remember seeing some of those items many years ago. Have a great weekend.


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