
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Old Timey Scarecrow

While in Lexington, we stopped by the old Stonewall Jackson House . This old scarecrow is in his garden. I've never seen a scarecrow like this one and want to make one for our own garden!


  1. That's really interesting! I wonder if it really does work.

  2. hey tanya...i wrote about that earlier this year...they are something aren't they? I just love stonewall jackson's house and garden.always stop in when i visit lexington.
    have a fab evening.

  3. A bit odd looking but I can see how it does the job!

  4. Hi Tanya. I enjoyed your photos of the historic scarecrow. If you make one let us know if it works. Cats are my problem in the garden. I wonder if it works for them....?
    By the way, I'm blogging again now too. - Dave

  5. Does anyone know if any scarecrow is truly effective?


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