
Friday, November 25, 2011

SkyWatch Friday

My sky, right now....surrounded by clear, blue skies. It's going to be a beautiful day with warm temps!

To see skies from all over, visit Skyley....happy skywatching!


  1. We have the same weather going on. Love those clear blue skies.

  2. Our weather will get colder before it gets warmer...Thanks for the visit.

    Take care and God bless.

  3. I can only wish, the gray skies of the midwest have set in along with the wind... Happy Friday

  4. We have really been having gorgeous weather of late. This shot is just typical of the beautiful skies. I guess the bad days will be here soon. Hope all is well in Roanoke. Bud had fun running in the half marathon...we will be back in January for him to do the trail race. Hope you all had a nice holiday. genie

  5. I love this!!! The bright blue sky, the tree silhouettes, and bright sun shining through...nicely done!!!

  6. The silhouetted trees are beautiful against that blue sky. The sun streaming through adds to the shot. Very well done.

  7. That is the clearest blue sky in the whole wide world! I love that shade of deep cobalt blue. Beautiful!

    Did you enjoy your beautiful, balmy day? It's supposed to be in the mid 50's here tomorrow, and although there is still ice and snow on the ground, we hope to take our bikes for a spin.


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)