
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Signs, Signs & A Good Fence in C'Ville

click on photo to enlarge
Downtown Charlottesville

This is a construction barricade thingy posing as a fence so it can link to TexWis's Good Fences this week...I also like how passers-by left little messages which also allow me to link with Signs, Signs ha...see what I did there?!


  1. I think you may be doing some creative linking here! Good thinking!

  2. I like that fence with all it's nice messages
    on it. And I would also like to know, if you
    left a message yourself :)
    Have a beautiful day!

  3. Hi, Tanya! Visiting from TexWisGirl's and was excited to find your blog. My daughter lives in Roanoke and I love that place! The coffee pot in your header is just awesome... I always want to tuck it in my back pocket (ha!) and bring it home with me.
    Did you leave a message? blessings ~ tanna

    1. what a small world!! and no, i didn't get to leave a message, i was trying to run and catch up with my speedy husband ha! i know, i love that coffee pot sign too!

  4. One big chalk board. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  5. Great post, like a chalk board fence. If it's there, it is sure to be written on.
    Also looks like doors to somewhere!!
    Hugs, CM

  6. I love all the different textures in this photo. the brick is beautiful and that lamp post is gorgeous... i like all the little messages and it appears to be chalk..

  7. at least most of the messages are sweet and loving. :) a good fence, too.

    i passed along your message to sallie. i cc'd you on it but got a bounce back on the email i had for you.

  8. I am with Tex, glad that nice things are being said.

  9. Got a place here. Been boarded up going on about 4 years now. Right in the middle of a Square. Eyesore or what! Been promised a fancy eatery but yet nothing so far. Help! I'm starved for a VIEW of food.

  10. Hi Tanya,
    Very nice colors in your photo and it is an unique scene. Love the red fire hydrant!
    Thanks for visiting my blog.
    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  11. So sweet, I love the messages!!

  12. Love the urban scrawl ... hurray for Virginia!

  13. How interesting! It's fun reading them all.

  14. At least work is being done behind it. There's an eye sore up here that has such barricades around it, and it seems nothing is ever done.

  15. Good catch for fences and signs!

  16. That bright red fire hydrant really sets off the green fence. Good catch for both the fences and signs sites.

  17. This looks like downtown. Maybe nearby he Omni? We go there all the time and this is something I missed. I will take a look when we go on Saturday. Great capture! I love the lights, and the super red hydrant planted in the center.

  18. Multi tasking is always good. The fire hydrant really stands out against the fence thingy.

  19. How neat...and perfect for good fences! Enjoy your afternoon! Hugs!

  20. Nicely done.l Different and most interesting.

  21. That's a different looking barricade - and was just crying out to have some signs written on it!

  22. I'm laughing at the messages! There's always somebody...

  23. Ahh, a fence with a difference. The little red thing in the middle? Is that a fire hydrant? Looks like a little alien.

  24. Oh the messages that people leave....this is neat.

  25. Great find! Every "fence" wants to be a Good Fence!

  26. Haha! Well spotted Tanya.. two in one was very handy :)

  27. Haha! Well spotted Tanya.. two in one was very handy :)

  28. Love the red little guy in front of the barrier!

  29. Very colorful! Now let's get that snow out of here and have some spring.


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)