
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Tuesday Treasures - A Colorful Morning

My back deck . Botetourt County

Yesterday morning as I was getting breakfast ready I noticed a pink glow coming in from my kitchen window...I stepped outside and this is what I saw!

It was a cold day though, all is going to be around 60...20 degrees warmer than yesterday!

Linking with Tom's Tuesday Treasures

Have a great day!


  1. ...every day is a treasure, nice weather makes it nicer. Our weather is so bipolar, today it's 45F and Friday forecasted to be 20F. Thanks Tanya for stopping by, it's always good to see you.

  2. Great sky! The colors remind me about a painting of Edvard Munch, what I saw once (cannot find in the web).

  3. Gorgeous! Your deck has an awesome view.

  4. What a beautiful sunrise, but a red sunrise often means a change in the weather for the worse.

  5. Another good example as to why one should always have a camera handy!

  6. Very pretty! It was nice here today, but now the wind is roaring through.


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)