
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bull Thistle

I found this
Bull Thistle growing out behind our house. This one was a tall one. We don't mow back there, it's behind our fence line so this one survived. We'll occassionally get them in the front yard and with mowing, you can't really get the base of them and the base is very painful if stepped on. It lies flat but has points as sharp as needles. They are a very invasive weed. We used to get alot of them in the pasture when we lived in Missouri. Although the flower is a pretty shade of purple, the weed is a nuisance!


  1. Ouch, I sure wouldn't want to step on one of those.

  2. Oh I dont like those things. When you mow them they are always so wet.

  3. Isn't it amazing how something so beautiful can be so awful. These things seem next to impossible to get rid of. I have stepped on them too--OUCH! It's really bad. Still, there is something so pretty about it.

  4. I know they are not popular, but they are pretty! Your photo is very nice!

  5. They are a pain in the...foot! Or any other body part that comes into contact with them! They are striking to look at though.

  6. Hmmm, This looks very much like the pasture thistle I posted a while ago. They do have a pretty flower.

  7. There are stong specimens! I do believe we call them Scotch Thistles, although I am a city person I see them out of town sometimes and they are not welcome on the farms.


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