
Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday Fences - Blue Ridge Parkway

(click on photo to enlarge)
Floyd Co

Another thing the Hodges told us about the parkway was how the government came in and tore out all the natural split rail fencing and replaced it all with barbed wire. They complained of deer getting caught in it and don't particularly care for the barbed wire.

"Wal, I been livin' on this hyar mountain well nigh onto eighty yars, and I
been wonderin' what this mountain was fer. Now I know it's fer to put a
road on it."

Another interesting Parkway link HERE

Linking with Friday Fences

Well hey now, I decided to finally play along with Nancy and her Random here we go:

1) Got the boys room cleaned up spotless yesterday and moved Christian's room down to the basement for a little more privacy (the boys all helped out) and that is why I was absent in bloggy land.

2) Today I am going to work on the storage side of the basement. Why does that always become such a wreck? Going to finish my coffee first.

3) Excited that football season is starting and we go pick up the boys' gear in the morning.

4) Thinking of going to a baseball game tomorrow night, our little local Red Sox are playing.

5) Started reading Where The Heart Is. Loving it, had me hooked on the first page. Just finished Nora Roberts' Midnight Bayou. It was pretty good with a little ghosty plot. If anyone would like to read it, I'd be happy to send it to you! Just let me know!


  1. A very rustic setting. I am feeling more relaxed just looking at it. :)

  2. After reading your to do list, I'm having another cup of coffee too. hahahaha

  3. Oh I am sad the government pulled out the split rail fence and replaced it with barb wire.It is not friendly to dear or anything else. I love The Hodge's
    Wow just reading your day makes me tired:) B

  4. what a busy little gal you've been when you should have been relaxing on the mountanside

  5. cleaning the boys' room must have been something! :)

    such a pretty scene you photographed.

  6. I just loved Where the Heart Is. Sounds like you have been busy.

  7. Ah yes, I'm looking at our basement now and wondering how on earth I'm going to get through it all. What a great quote from the mountaineer. Loved your post, interesting about the barbed wire being put in by the government, never knew that. Wishing your boys a great sports season.

  8. A girl after my own heart - sharing books! I think it's a great concept to mail them around to one another. Share the love.....
    I just finished reading Sherryl Woods "Sand Castle Bay" - the 1st in a series of 3. Kinda like these little no brainer romance readers.
    Happy weekend!

  9. Love the Mountaineer's 'voice'!

  10. For years, I have complained about the mess that happens in a basement ... I have called them the Wastebasket on occasion, because of all the crap down there. The way I figure it, when things get put where they FIT instead of where they BELONG, it's only a matter of time till the mess is back. Can't teach this to my darling husband, so I'll just have to join you in the basement mess club. I hope straightening yours isn't too much of an ordeal.

  11. Nice photo! I went to town today, hadn't been there in a couple of weeks, nothing has changed.

  12. That is a nice shot with the cows but I would prefer a split-rail fence too! :)

  13. Oh football always reminds me of the end of summer and I'm still thinking we are in the middle of season. I love getting things accomplished in the house. It always makes me feel so good.

  14. split rail looks so much better then barbed ridge parkway is such a gorgeous drive! Sounds like your busy as ever!


  15. Tanya,
    I have been doing a lot of sorting, organizing and pitching. I have a nice sized pile to go to the thrift shop.

    I just finished a Barbara Freethy book and am thinking about what to start next. Gone With The Wind is on my summer reading list.

    Hope the boys have a fun and successful Football Season.

  16. 1. It's cruel to have the barb wire fencing. Some one contacted the SPCA?

    2. You've a lot going for yourself. Good to keep oneself busy!


  17. I am not sure there is any need for fences there. The deer will jump anyway if they can see (i.e. in the daylight).

    Good for the boys to help her sister move. More room for them? We don't have basements in Texas, at least not here near the Golf Coast.

    My dad had one that he used for an office and it was our guest room when we visited. Also dubbed or the storm cellar

  18. Barbed wire fencing is just sad.

    I've heard 'Where the Heart Is' is a great book! :)

  19. You clean basements? Would you like to visit Hartford?

  20. I miss the BRP! We saw lots of barbed wire fences. I just read there's a rather large crack in the asphalt along a section of the BPR that has become something of a tourist attraction because of its size.

  21. Nice shot with the cows, Tanya, have a nice weekend.
    P.S. Many thanks for the happy birthday wishes :)

  22. Pretty photo despite the barbed wire. I am in the process of re-organising my sewing room so I know how you feel.

  23. The Blue Ridge Parkway is a national trreasure. Haven't been on it nearly enough. And your photo is such a snapshot of summer. Which, judging from your random 5s, I think you must enjoy? Play ball! (a friend just commented on facebook that she could hear her neighborhood school band practicing--that saiys fall is near to me)

  24. Perfect rural scene Tanya, the light looks wonderfully warm and beautiful.

  25. One of the things I love about the parkway is the split rail fences.

  26. I can relate to your upsetedness at that fence being torn out -- our county road hands have been tearing out old growth plum thickets along the ditches now for years and it breaks my heart.
    Thank you for joining in this week at R5F Tanya. Much appreciated! xo

  27. I don't like the fencing that the highway department uses on their's ugly and it immediately becomes entangled with weeds,thorn bushes, pines and swamp trees. I've never seen a split rail fence look like that.

  28. Great blog post! Enjoyed the mountaineer quote.


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