
Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday Fences & Randoms

(click on photo to enlarge)

Fencing along train tracks downtown Roanoke

Friday Fences

Random time:

1) I wake up an hour before everyone in my household. I cherish my quiet coffee/computer time before the morning rush of getting everyone up and ready. It's been getting interrupted though by my husband who has been getting up to exercise. On go all the lights and now my quiet time is noisy. I really dislike that. Am I going to have to get up even an hour earlier now?

2) Tomorrow is our last football game. I dislike this too. Seems we just started the season. All that will be left are playoffs. Then a break and basketball season will start!

3) I have been waiting and waiting for The Conjuring to come out on dvd. I love a good scary movie and have heard that this one is just that!

4) I've been using vanilla almond milk in my coffee every morning. It's really good!

5) READ THIS for a super inspirational story.

Visit A Rural Journal for more randomness...

Have a great weekend!


  1. I enjoy my alone time in the mornings, too. Easy to take for granted!

  2. I am enjoying my morning time this morning but hubby never bothers me.

    Interesting photo but sure would not want to look out my window or hear that in the eraly morningsor days a train going by. Happy I am in the country living.

  3. i am not a big fan of scary movies ... i have dreams about them for weeks. i still remember when i saw Michael Jackson's video thriller ... i was so scared of a werewolf coming out from under my bed as a kid. it was wild!! nuts!! ( :

    i just watched "Carrie" by Steven King the other week thanks to Netflix ... i have seen bits & pieces but never the whole movie. i have still not sure i should have done that. but so far no weird dreams. i think??!

  4. Tanya, I just had a thought... when you get up set the clock back so hubby will think he still has more time to stay in bed and that will give you your quiet time. Just saying.

  5. Oh quite time in the morning I so get it usually I am heading for the bush but I get it. Vanilla almond eh?:)
    Have fun at football and have a nice weekend Tanya. B

  6. I believe that fence could be classified as un-climb-able!

    Fence at Dawn

  7. Nice fence shot! I used to rise early and loved that quiet time before the rest of the family got up!!! Lucky me...I have that every morning now!! Family is all grown up now!

  8. That early morning quiet time is my favorite time too. I love watching the sun come up and the streaks of color in the early morning sky.

  9. I hope you can find your time of solitude. Quiet times are good for the soul. :)
    Love that bench made with an axel.

  10. I love early morning quiet time too. Although often, it's me turning on the lights to exercise! ;-)

  11. I'm an early bird, too. That's quite a fence and I like the bench. Have fun this weekend at football.

  12. The older I get, the more quiet time I require. Although now my daughter is off to college and my boy is in high school, so it's pretty quiet here all day long. We still have four more games and then the playoffs...

    Thanks for the link, I just sent it to our coach - maybe he will share it with the team!

  13. Everyone needs their own time ans space. At my age, I need peace, quiet.

  14. number one make me hoot out loud I realize quiet time is essential and I'm sure you'll resolve this glump, 5 is an exceptional link...

  15. is that a bench using railroad car wheels? cool!

    i like my quiet time, too. :)

  16. I love downtown Roanoke. My favorite place is the O. Winston Link museum. And I too love quiet mornings... with good coffee.

  17. Vanilla almond milk sounds very interesting, enjoy your weekend!

  18. Vanilla almond milk sounds good. I'll have to try it in my coffee.
    Loved the inspiring story. I am so happy that amputees can now get prosthetics that enable them to live a normal life.

  19. We have three more football games. It has been all encompassing this fall! Whew!

  20. I like the vanilla caramel, but don't drink coffee often enough to buy those great big bottles.

  21. It seems early for football to be over! Wow. That is sad! I love almond milk but I use the regular kind in my cereal and like soy milk in my coffee :)

  22. Football over already? You must have started way early!
    And I hear you on the morning thing -- but after hubby leaves at 5:30, the house is all mine for 12 hours, so no complaints here. :)

    I drink the unsweetened vanilla almond milk plain and really like it.

  23. If your husband is like most guys I know, wait another week. The exercise will end. Sleep trumps exercise any day.

  24. Aw, I saw that last one, what a story! Mr. L is a super-early-bird so I've forced myself to become a night owl in order to get my hour of quiet/computer/tea time (I'm a grump when I don't get enough of that quiet time:)!

  25. We have old railroad items in our Railyard park.

  26. I like to have mornings to myself, also. My husband usually gets up early and goes to the gym - on the mornings that he doesn't, it really throws me off! Football ending already? It really does seem early. Scary movies scare me - not good.... Have a great weekend!

  27. That quiet time is so beneficial, isn't it?

  28. I have to say that bench caught my eye. Very cool!

  29. What a great fence picture! I like morning quiet time too, when I have the time!

  30. I too like to get up early before everyone else and dislike it when someone else starts to invade my time space. I hear ya, Tanya!

    I'll have to get some vanillia almond silk and see how I like it in my morning coffee.


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