
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Rubbish Tuesday - Old Motel on Longdale Furnace Rd

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On Saturday we took a little drive out to Clifton Forge. It was our first time to be on this side of the town, along Longdale Furnace Rd. This is just up the road from yesterday's motel. We stopped here to look at an old manor that has been changed into a B&B. Which I will show you tomorrow. The manor and this motel share the same property. We pulled up and didn't see anybody but the 1 vehicle parked there led us to believe that someone was home. Plus there were 2 dogs barking in the window of the B&B. Nick called out "hello" a few times and then an elderly gentleman came out explaining that the B&B was closed for the next couple of months because his partner broke her leg. We asked if we could wander around and he said that we were welcome to walk around the grounds. So we did and this is what we saw:

Ok, I have to tell you, this place gave us the creeps. Whoever said "Bates Motel" in yesterday's comments, that was exactly what we said when we were HERE! There was just something creepy in the air there! Linking with Rubbish Tuesday ...and for anyone who might be interested, the old man did tell us they were selling the manor and the motel ;)


  1. Looks to me like they might have waited a little too long to sell it.

  2. That was old Rt 60 out there at Longdale, Can you imagine that road full of tractor trailers? We used to get behind them on the mountain and there was no truck lanes. That used to be a nice looking motel, many a honeymoon of sorts took place there.

    1. oh no, i couldn't imagine tractor trailers out there...really there was hardly anyone on the road around there except when we left, a car came up on us and had to have been doing about a hundred and flew passed us. guess he was in a hurry...i tried to find pictures online of what this must have looked like but couldn't, same with yesterday's.

  3. A lovely little ditty! I think I stayed there a while back. Played some hoops as I remember. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. It does look spooky even in the daytime. Can you imagine at night? Thanks for joining in!

  5. This is really an old old hotel...!

  6. I said Bates Motel - so I was wrong - this one beats the other....

  7. So sad to see it so run down and overgrown.

  8. This is one I would have had to drive right on by. I am sure at one time, it was a nice place, but no more.

  9. Sometimes a good creep out is just what you need! ;)

  10. You find the most interesting places. It needs a whole lot of TLC if someone is going to buy it, unless they want to just buy it for the land and level the place. The old motels I see on the road are getting fewer and fewer.

  11. That place would need a whole lot of work.

  12. Oh, Tanya, what a sad tale! I mean, I LOVE the run-down rustic look of the place...very great Rubbish Tuesday fare! But the fact that the old man still had the place open until his partner broke her leg two months ago, just breaks my heart! Is anyone bringing them meals-on-wheels? Is anyone checking on them? Do they really think they are going to sell the place because I can't imagine ANYONE buying it! They'll likely die in there and no one will even know for days or weeks! I'm pretty bummed out!

  13. Also what is creepy is that someone is actually living here! They must be really down on their luck. This gives the word eyesore a totally new meaning! Think of the music from the Twilight Zone or the X-Files...

  14. Not easy to be refurbished, but one can always try...

  15. A little creepy but very cool. I like to take a few pictures of that place myself.

  16. Have you looked for any interesting history to this place...things that might have happened there? I would have never guessed it was creepy...

  17. Awesome find, Tanya. I love the sign in the previous post too.

  18. Great find and photos.

    You asked about Kit (and Kaboodle). Her official name is Kit N. Kaboodle. lol

  19. Imagine the stories within those walls!

  20. That's very unusual. I've never seen a motel with a chimney and the basketball goal is not standard. Maybe put up later. It's definitely old and creepy!

  21. You got some wonderful shots Tanya, but I think I'll pass on buying it!

  22. Creepy for sure! It's a good thing you weren't there at night!

  23. That is quite the run down looking place. Did you notice though the potted plant in the last shot. At least they were trying to make it look a little more inviting. I could NOT stay there though.

  24. Yeah, creepy is a good word for this. I love the basketball hoop over the door. :-)

  25. It is pretty sad. But it gave you some interesting "decay" photos.

  26. Great photo's but sad to see the buildings in such disrepair.


  27. Awwww...don't be creeped out! It looks fun. I want to crawl around in there and explore. :)

  28. Definitely a high rating on the creep factor! I visited a lady in Clifton Forge once, her daughter is a friend. Such a beautiful part of the state.


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